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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. to feel free to; not to hesitate to
    • 2. though; even though; in spite of; despite; notwithstanding

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  2. 2016年4月18日 · even though的中文意思是指「雖然」的意思,通常放在句首,後面要加上逗號。 例:Even though skiing is a lot of fun, I rather go to the beach. 雖然滑雪很有趣,我還是寧願去海邊。 例:Even though Canada is a good country, Canada has problems.

  3. 2016年9月6日 · 在這些字中,最讓人混淆的就是 though / although / even though / despite / in spite of ,這五個的英文意思都是「雖然…」,但是其中還是有一些不同之處,因此,英文老師 Adam 在 Engvid 上介紹了如何分辨這一組相似字。. 一般來說,我們會將 though / although / even though 放在 ...

  4. 講到「雖然」的句型,although 應該是最常見的用法,但其實還有 though, even though, despite 這些用法可以代換,而且在多益的文法選擇題也常看到它們同時出現在選項中,所以今天就是要讓你搞清楚該如何正確地使用這些字囉!. although, though, even though, despite 的意思 ...

  5. 不管;儘管;無論. I still enjoyed the week despite the weather. 儘管天氣不好,這一周我過得還是很愉快的。 Despite repeated assurances that the product is safe, many people have stopped buying it. 儘管已反覆保證了該產品的安全性,很多人還是不再購買。 [ + -ing verb ] He managed to eat a big lunch despite hav ing eaten an enormous breakfast. 儘管早餐吃了很多,他午飯還是大吃了一頓。 despite yourself.

  6. 儘管 的翻譯 —— 中文 (繁體)-英語詞典. although uk / ɔːlˈðəʊ/ us / ɑːlˈðoʊ/ B1 conjunction. despite the fact that: She walked home by herself, although she knew that it was dangerous. 她一个人步行回的家,尽管她知道那样做很危险。 查看更多. though uk / ðəʊ/ us / ðoʊ/ B1 conjunction. despite the fact that: She hasn't called, even though she said she would. 虽然她说过要打电话,可还没打。 查看更多.

  7. 介係詞「雖然;儘管」despite、in spite of、for all、with all,用於承接語意有所轉折的句子,後方都需搭配「名詞」。 而「雖然;儘管」despite the fact that 和 in spite of the fact that 為「連接詞」,後方需連接「句子」( 主詞 + 動詞 )。

  8. a non-standard spelling of. in spite of sth B1 phrase. (used before one fact that makes another fact surprising) despite: In spite of his injury, Ricardo will play in Saturday's match. 儘管裡卡多有傷在身,星期六的比賽他仍然會出場。 for all C2 phrase. despite: For all her qualifications, she's still useless at the job.

  9. despite 為介系詞 (prep.),意思為「 儘管、雖然 」。 1️⃣ despite+N / Ving. Monica went to school for the exam despite being sick. 雖然莫尼卡生病了,卻還是到學校考試。 Despite the heavy rain, the Brown family still enjoyed the trip. 儘管下大雨,布朗一家人仍然很享受那趟旅行。 Wendy wanted some desserts despite having eaten a lot of food. 🤤. 儘管已經吃了一堆食物,溫蒂還是想再嚐一些甜點。

  10. 将“儘管"翻译成英文. despite, although, in spite of是“儘管"到 英文 的最佳翻译。. 译文示例:公民 爭取 權利 的 運動 盡管 受到 阻礙 但 很 活躍 ↔ The civil rights movement is very active despite set backs. in spite of [..] The civil rights movement is very active despite set backs. in spite of the ...

  11. Many translated example sentences containing "儘管" – English-Chinese dictionary and search engine for English translations.

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