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    寫作能力測驗. 口說能力測驗. 回上一頁. 首創參照國內英語教育和教育部課程綱要的測驗,能準確評量學習者的聽說讀寫四項能力,檢測對象為一般社會人士及國中 (含)以上學生。

  2. 初級預考題下載. * 下載後之檔案,請先使用7-Zip 解壓縮 (若沒有使用7-Zip,會出現亂碼喔 !) * 下載7-Zip. 聽力測驗. 試卷1 (Form: EL-0001P) 文字檔 (.doc) 初級聽力測驗預試 (Form EL-0001P)試題 (30題) 初級聽力測驗預試 (Form EL-0001P)錄音稿 (30題) 初級聽力測驗預試 (EL-0001P)解答.

  3. 全民英檢初級口說測驗題庫整理. 回答問題篇. General English Proficiency Test (GEPT)—Oral Test (Basic Level) 1. When is your birthday? 2. What did you do last night? 3. What are you wearing today? 4. Who is the singer you like the best? Why? 5. Do you like to play basketball? Why or why not? 6. Do you think you are healthy? Why or why not? 7.

  4. 為達教育公益宣導之目的及使外界進一步認識「全民英檢」測驗的研發過程,教育部授權本中心將「全民英檢」預試試題刊登於本網站,提供有興趣的民眾瀏覽,並在著作權宣導之範圍內(非營利之目的)提供民眾、團體不限時間、地點、次數免費下載 ...

  5. NEW GEPT 全新全民英檢初級寫作&口說題庫解析【新制修訂版】 (附口說測驗MP3+音檔下載連結QR碼) $350. ISBN:9789864541621. 作者: 國際語言中心委員會/郭文興/許秀芬. 出版社: 國際學村出版社. 出版日期:2021/07/15. 系列名稱: NEW GEPT 全新全民英檢. 尺寸:210x148x0mm. 👋 ...

  6. 其他人也問了

  7. 分為全民英檢初級、全民英檢中級、全民英檢中高級、全民英檢高級、全民英檢優級共五等級,考生可依程度選擇報考級數,通過初試(聽力、閱讀)者始可參加複試(口說、寫作)。

  8. 全民英檢初級口說測驗題庫整理. 回答問題篇. 1. Do you like to eat fast food? What do you think about it? 2. What did you want to be when you were younger? 3. If you have a week’s holiday, how would you like to spend it? Why? 4. Who is good at sports in your family? What kind of sport is he or she good at? 5. Do you have a favorite color?

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