Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


    • 四德
    • ㄙˋ ㄉㄜˊ
    • 釋義:
    • 1.易經乾卦元、亨、利、貞四德。《易經.乾卦.文言曰》:「元者,善之長也;亨者,嘉之會也;利者,義之和也;貞者,事之幹也。君子體仁足以長人,嘉會足以合禮,利物足以和義,貞固足以幹事,君子行此四德者,故曰元亨利貞。」2.婦德、婦言、婦容、婦功。見《周禮.天官.九嬪》。《文選.范曄.後漢書皇后紀論》:「夫人坐論婦禮,九嬪掌教四德。」也稱為「四教」、「四行」。3.孝、悌、忠、信。《大戴禮.衛將軍文子》:「孔子曰:『孝,德之始也;弟,德之序也;信,德之厚也;忠,德之正也。參乎,中夫四德者矣哉!』」4.佛教用語。指四種特徵。《大迦葉問大寶積正法經》卷三:「唯此涅槃,具彼四德。」
  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. four Confucian injunctions 孝悌忠信 (for men), namely: piety 孝 to one's parents, respect 悌 to one's older brother, loyalty 忠 to one's monarch, faith 信 to one's male friends
    • 2. the four Confucian virtues for women of morality 德, physical charm 容, propriety in speech 言 and efficiency in needlework 功

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