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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. to give back
    • 2. feedback

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  2. a system in which banks or businesses encourage people to buy something by giving them money after they have bought it: The major banks are offering cashback deals of up to £5,000 on their mortgages. 各大銀行對按揭交易提供高達5000英鎊的現金回饋。 言語回饋示意. backchannel uk / ˈbækˌtʃæn.əl/ us / ˈbækˌtʃæn.əl/ noun specialized.

  3. 2021年4月27日 · Feedback 在英文裡面是指「回饋」的意思,不過有人可能會誤用 Feedback 這個英文單字,認為 Feedback 可以拿來當動詞用。 這裡要特別注意,Feedback 只有名詞形式唷,不能當動詞用。

  4. 2018年5月8日 · 經常在英文會議或跨國的Concall裡聽到有人說:"I’ll feedback you later."「我等一會兒會給你回饋意見」,或是在email主旨上寫:"Please feedback."「請給意見」,在email內容說:"Can feedback to me before the end of the week?"「可否在這週給回饋意見?

  5. 2018年7月20日 · 經常在英文會議或跨國的Concall裡聽到有人說「I’ll feedback you later」(我等一會兒會給你回饋意見),或是在email主旨上寫「Please feedback」(請給意見),在email內容說「Can feedback to me before the end of the week?」(可否在這週給回饋意見?

  6. 2024年8月28日 · Answer: 「回饋」在英文中通常用「feedback」來表達這個詞可以指提供意見或建議,幫助改進某事。例句包括: 1. **請給我一些回饋**:Please give me some feedback. 2. **我想聽聽你的意見**:I'd like to hear your feedback. 當談到「回饋社會」時,可以使

  7. positive / negative feedback 正面的/負面的回饋意見. 减少例句. There was a lot of positive feedback which was very encouraging. We are always grateful to receive feedback from our listeners. There was a lot of positive feedback on your article about parenting. Feedback is very valuable as it helps us know whether we are giving out TV audience what they like.

  8. 回饋】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:feedback反饋; 反應; 反饋噪音;。漢英詞典提供【回饋】的詳盡英文翻譯、用法、例句等

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