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  1. 仁德. 正職. ★此為2025年度人力計劃性招募,採批次面試,預計於2024.11月下旬後陸續進行面試通知與安排,請靜候佳音! 1.熟悉IFRS, 處理國際會計 (準則差異分析、帳務處理及報表編製)、並配合當地會計師查核工作 2.跨國稅務規劃 (TP、GloBE、CFC等),稅務申報及 ...

  2. Careers. As CHIMEI pushes forward to go global, we are stepping up to reach our full potential. We are determined to develop leading solutions, and are committed to serving a diverse range of global customers. We create opportunities for employees to demonstrate their professional expertise on the world stage.

  3. 奇美招募流程包含以下步驟:,工作搜尋 ,履歷篩選,筆試,面試,身體檢查,聘書.

  4. › recruit › jobDetails奇美人才網 - 職缺

    職缺說明. 此職缺包含兩個不同的職務,後續錄取將根據其專長和公司需求被分配到相應的職務。. 職缺一: 1.人才招募及甄選作業 2.拓展多元招募管道 (徵才活動、校園關係、產學合作及政府專案等之規劃與執行) 3.協助人才發展之訓練課程及課務執行作業 4.運用 ...

  5. 2024年10月21日 · 奇美電商App 透過奇美實業APP,便一手掌握最新、最完整的各項材料相關資訊,奇美不僅能提供夥伴高性能的材料,同時也能成為最強力的數位支援!

  6. CHIMEI is a Taiwan-based performance materials company that designs and manufactures advanced polymer materials, synthetic rubbers, and specialty chemicals. Global companies seek out CHIMEI to achieve their desired step up in product performance, while minimizing their impact on the environment.

  7. Founded in 1960, CHIMEI has long been known as the world’s largest vendor of ABS resins. Today, we design and manufacture a wide range of cutting-edge performance materials, including advanced polymer materials, synthetic rubbers, and specialty chemicals, that raise our global customers’ products to the next level.

  8. 奇美 WONDERLITE® 是由全球首創的無光氣環保製程製造。成功以 CO2 取代光氣產生 PC。其中不含氯,因此不具腐蝕性,有利於模具維護。此外奇美 WONDERLITE® 也適合以環氧乙烷及伽瑪射線進行消毒,因此可應用於醫療設備。

  9. 關於奇美實業 奇美是一家創立於台灣的高性能材料公司。我們研發並製造先進的高分子材料、合成橡膠和特用化學品。

  10. 2021年8月17日 · As early as in 1999, CHIMEI Corporation invested in the building of the world’s first eco-friendly non-phosgene process for the production of WONDERLITE® PC, accumulating 22 years of professional experience, and becoming a key PC material supplier in the market.

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