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  1. CFC established in 1989. The company started with the manufacturing of kep. nut and till the present, the number of the major product items has been over 35, including nuts of various materials such as steel, copper alloy, aluminum alloy, etc.,

  2. CFC established in 1989. The company started with the manufacturing of kep. nut and till the present, the number of the major product items has been over 35, including nuts of various materials such as steel, copper alloy, aluminum alloy, etc.,

  3. 2021年11月1日 · 以生產不鏽鋼華司螺帽聞名的宗鉦企業,近期因應國內太陽能模組大廠所託,研究開發出一款新型適用於太陽能板組裝的華司螺帽,這不僅大幅提升施工效率,產品更有「三防」優點:防鬆、防鏽、防腐蝕,可讓屋頂上的太陽能板更牢固耐用,也更為 ...

  4. 位於台南市關廟區的宗鉦企業成立於 1989 年,主要生產 各式材質與功能性螺帽,董事長余勝德自創業初期即採保守實做模式戮力耕耘,由於本身曾有就職經驗,所以體認員工對企業的重要性,就此也將員工幸福定調為宗鉦企業經營的核心價值,尤其經過2016

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