Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. 靠著我們救主流血作祭,父阿,我們前來一同就你;距離已去,藉恩已得自由,前來敬拜向你讚美、歌謳。 哦父,我們願在你前獻上 你的愛子之名所有馨香;藉著祂死為我所得恩典,在此憑信我們將祂觀瞻。

  2. Father, I know that all my life is portioned out for me, And the changes that are sure to come I do not fear to see; But I ask Thee for a present mind intent on pleasing Thee. And if some things I do not ask in my cup of blessing be, I would have my spirit filled the more with grateful love to Thee, More careful, not to serve Thee much, but to please Thee perfectly.

  3. 0.9x. 0.8x. 1. Father, I know that all my life is portioned out for me, And the changes that are sure to come I do not fear to see; But I ask Thee for a present mind intent on pleasing Thee. 2. I ask Thee for a thoughtful love, through constant watching wise, To meet the glad with joyful smiles, and to wipe the weeping eyes;

  4. 1. 六月 16 2019. Paul Lin. Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan. 四 马太十二章启示出,撒但就是那壮者,霸占一切神所创造的人;若要从他霸占的手中得着人,就需要捆绑他—29节:. 1 主耶稣赶鬼前,先捆绑那壮者;这是属灵争战的秘诀。. 2 在马太十二章二十九节,“家”指撒但的国 ...

  5. 知你恢復所是。. 引我到召會裏。. 進入召會路途。. 心向你能絕對。. 你在我心安家。. 新人在地出現。. 顯出一個人位。. 註:每節均重複第二行歌辭二次。. Christian hymns and spiritual songs with wonderful truths and music.}

  6. 不要任何死宗教,不要任何形式,不要任何的規條,不要人的意思,不要那殺死人的字句 與道理,阿利路亞!在靈裡我們自由無比! 又新又活的聚集,又新又活樣式,學校、公園、或海邊,那裡都不在乎!我們棄絕一切的規條、死宗教,阿利路亞!主的靈衝破一切限制!

  7. 倘若我躭延,你也可以知道 在神的家中當怎樣行;這家就是活神的召會,真理的柱石和根基。 並且,大哉!敬虔的奧祕!這是眾所公認的,就是: 祂顯現於肉體,被稱義於靈裏,被天使看見,被傳於萬邦,被信仰於世人中,被接去於 榮耀裏,被接去於榮耀裏。

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