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  1. 2021年1月7日 · 無論是朋友要出國度假,還是去一場國內的短暫旅行,你都可以用英文這樣說: 例: Bon voyage! 一路平安 Bon voyage! 這句英文其實來自法語,意思是一路平安的意思。 例: Have a good trip! 旅途愉快 Have a nice flight. 旅程愉快。 Have a nice trip. 旅行愉快。

  2. a phrase said to people who are going away, meaning "I hope you have a safe and enjoyable journey ". 一路平安旅途愉快. (bon voyage在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯 © Cambridge University Press) C1.

  3. 2024年6月11日 · 「好好享受旅途」的意思。 safe travels是 「祝你旅途平安」的意思。 例句是 "Bon voyage! Enjoy your journey and make unforgettable memories." (意思:祝你旅途愉快!好好享受旅途,請創造難忘的回憶。) 還有, "Safe travels! Wishing you an amazing

  4. 寓意为"旅途平安"Lako di'a号是世界上最大型号的Phinisi之一。. Launching 1 September 2018, Asia's leading independently owned hospitality brand AYANA Hotels will set sail to the world' largest specially built Phinisi cruise ship, AYANA Lako di'a (meaning "Safe Journey" in the local language.) 主席(以英语发言 ...

  5. Translation of "旅途平安" in English. safe journey. safe flight. safe travels. safe trip. 我祝她旅途平安,并与她挥手道别。 I wished her a safe journey and waved her off. 对将要离开前往纽约的各位,我代表我本人祝愿大家旅途平安,继续留在这里人的请保持联络。 For those of you who are leaving for New York, on my own behalf, I wish you a safe journey, and for those who are remaining here, we will stay in touch.

  6. 其實你也可以用底下這幾種祝福英文短句說法來祈願別人一路順風、旅途平安旅途愉快。 一路順風英文祝福單調版. Safe trip! (旅途平安! 一路順風英文祝福進階版. Have a nice trip! (祝你旅途愉快。 I hope you have a good journey. (希望你有一個美好的旅程。 Best wishes for your safe arrival. (誠摯祝福你能順利抵達。 — 聖誕快樂英文祝福 – 耶誕佳節. 到了一年一度的歡樂聖誕節,在寫聖誕卡時候,仍舊只會寫聖誕快樂英文:” Merry Christmas ” 嗎? 其實除了這句祝福英文句子外,也能增添幾句聖誕快樂祝福英文,讓整張聖誕卡更豐富喔! 聖誕快樂英文祝福單調版.

  7. 一路順風|順飛|祝您旅途平安。 一路順風/順飛。|Some of my friends are captains of airplanes. They said it's very dangerous if 順風, so they wouldn't say 一路順風. 航程平安is much better.|一路順風.|祝你有一趟安全的旅程|祝你旅途平安/順利 一路順風

  8. 2019年7月23日 · 旅途愉快!→Journey 常用於「一趟行程」,會和某些固定的詞一起出現,最常用於祝福對方旅途愉快:Have a safe journey! 或Have a pleasant journey! 除此之外,journey也很常用來說長途旅行:I need to rest after this long journey. (長途旅行之後我需要休息。

  9. a phrase said to people who are going away, meaning "I hope you have a safe and enjoyable journey ". 一路平安旅途愉快. (bon voyage在剑桥英语-中文(简体)词典的翻译 © Cambridge University Press) C1.

  10. 表達「旅途愉快」的英文有幾種常用的說法,以下是一些例子: 1. **Have a nice trip!** - 祝你旅途愉快! 2. **Bon voyage!** - 法文直譯,常用於祝福旅行。 3. **Wish you a good journey!** - 願你有一個美好的旅程。 4. **Have a saf

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