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  1. Draw new crisis cards, putting one face up and others face down. The amount of crises is determined by the current level on the Thermometer. Draw 2 Global Project cards, pick one as a group to keep, and discard the other. If there's already 4 Global Projects out, then discard down to 4 as well.

    • Introduction
    • Setup
    • Challenges
    • Variant: Factions
    • Variant: Inquisitor
    • Variant: Diplomat

    In Coup, players vie for control of a corrupt city-state in renaissance Italy. Through your influence in the court (the character cards in your hand), bluff, steal, and murder your opponents to become the last player standing and rise to power. There is no second place.

    The deck is an even distribution of 5 different characters: (Ambassador, Assassin, Captain, Contessa, Duke). The 15-card deck contains 3 copies of each character. The 20-card deck contains 4 copies of each character. The size of the deck depends on the number of players in the game. Each player begins with ₤2 (or ₤1 in a two-player game) and 2 card...

    Any player making a character claim can be challenged. A challenge always results in one player losing a character. The challenged player reveals a card from their hand. • If bluffing, the revealed card is killed. • If truthful, the revealed card is shuffled into the deck, replaced, and the challenger kills a card from their hand. Dead character ca...

    This variant divides players into two factions (teams), the Monarchists and the Populists. As long as there are two factions, players cannot block or target their teammates (however, Convertand challenges are always allowed). If there is only one faction in play, infighting takes over and no restriction applies.

    This variant replaces the Ambassador character with the Inquisitor. The Inquisitorstill blocks stealing and has two character actions: • Exchange (as the Inquisitor): Draw 1 card from the court deck, then return 1 card to the deck. Cannot be blocked. • Examine (as the Inquisitor): Secretly look at 1 card in another player's hand. Choose whether to ...

    This variant replaces the Duke character with the Diplomat. The Diplomatstill blocks foreign aid, still cannot embezzle, and has one character action: • Cooperate (as the Diplomat): Take ₤3 from the treasury and give ₤1 to another player. Cannot be blocked.

  2. 圖靈解密是一款引人入勝的競技推理遊戲。 它提供了一種獨特的體驗:對著無需電力或任何技術即可運作的原型電腦問問題,為新一代推理遊戲鋪平了道路。 遊戲目標? 透過巧妙地詢問機器問題,搶先於其他玩家解出密碼。 遊玩圖靈解密時,你將使用一台模擬電腦,它具有由前所未見的穿孔卡製成的獨特組件。 這款遊戲提供了超過七百萬個問題,從簡單到令人難以置信的複雜組合,讓遊戲玩法幾乎無窮無盡! 玩家人數: 1 - 4. 遊戲歷時: 7 mn. 複雜性 2 / 5. 在線上玩 圖靈解密 以及 852 款其他遊戲 。 無需下載──直接用你的網路瀏覽器玩。 與你的朋友以及全世界成千上萬的玩家們。 免費。 探索 桌遊競技場(Board Game Arena) 設計者. Fabien Gridel, Yoann Levet.

  3. There are two ways to use Training cards. First, you can tuck it under one of your dogs in your play area. If you tuck it, that Training card will be worth 1 VP at the end of the game, as noted by the small VP symbol on the top left corner of the card. Each dog can only have 1 Training card tucked under it.

  4. 強國爭壩是一款資源管理戰略遊戲,玩家在其中競爭建造雄偉的水壩,提升水壩以增加存儲容量,並用壓力水道來連接發電站的渦輪機組來取得所有潛在的電力。. 每位玩家都代表著四家國際公司之一,他們正在收集機械、創新專利和傑出的工程師,搶佔最佳 ...

  5. 搜索王國中的每個酒館,僱用最熟練的矮人,招募最負盛名的英雄,並建立可以擊敗致命敵人的最佳陣營!. 在 Nidavellir 中,每回合會在各酒館上放置一枚硬幣。. 由大至小的順序,每位玩家可以選擇一個角色並添加到你的軍隊中。. 每個矮人種類都有自己的計分 ...

  6. 太空基地是一款快速學習、快速上手的骰子遊戲,它使用了其他遊戲中常見的"我擲骰,每個人都得到東西"的核心機制。. 它也是一款策略引擎構築,使用玩家板(你的的太空基地)和你可以購買並添加到玩家板的太空船卡。. 不僅僅是你購買的卡片的能力,購買 ...