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    • 1. (used in old times) rich and good alcoholic beverage

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    • 尾牙的英文?
    • 聚餐 Gathering
    • 年終獎金 Year-End Bonus
    • 抽獎 Lucky Draw / Raffle
    • 感謝狀 Certificate
    • 中獎 Win
    • 獲利 Profit
    • 禮卷 Gift Certificate / Gift Voucher / Gift Token
    • 獎品 Prize
    • 春酒 Spring Party / Spring Feast

    那就先來認識「尾牙」的英文。尾牙的英文是year-end party,指的是年末派對,party也可以換成banquet,變成year-end banquet,year-end 從字面上來看就是”一年最後”的意思,而 banquet 則是宴會或晚宴。 例句:I bought a dress for my year-end party. 我為了尾牙買了一件洋裝。

    英文定義:a party or a meeting when many people come together as a group 另外,dine together 也有聚餐的意思,dine是用餐、用膳、進餐,若是要表示與某人聚餐,可以寫成「dine together with + 人」,如果剛好聚餐屬於晚餐時段,也可以直接說「have a dinner with + 人」。 例句:Our next gathering will take place in Taipei on 5 January. 下次聚餐是1月5日在台北。 例句:I have a dinner with colleagues tonight. 我今晚與同事們一起聚餐。

    年終獎金的英文就是年末(year-end)加上獎金(bonus)。年度分紅也可說是annual bonus。 例句:How much year – end bonus did you get this year? 你今年拿到多少年終獎金?

    raffle英文定義:an activity in which people buy tickets with different numbers, some of which are later chosen to win prizes, that is organized in order to make money for a good social purpose draw就是籤,lucky draw就是幸運籤,另一個字raffle翻為摸彩,是某個正向的特定目的所用的抽獎券。 例句:Result of lucky draw announced. 抽獎結果公布。 例句:The draw for the raffle takes place tonight. 抽獎將在今晚舉行。

    英文定義:an official document that states that the information on it is true 例句:She got a certificate in the year-end party. 他在尾牙中得到了一張感謝狀

    英文定義:to achieve first position and/or get a prize in a competition, election, fight, etc. 例句:l won a BMW! 我得到了一台BMW! 例句:Peter had a dream that he won the lottery. Peter希望他可以中樂透。

    英文定義:money that is earned in trade or business after paying the costs of producing and selling goods and services 例句:Company profits are up from last year’s figures. 相較於去年的數據,公司獲利上升。

    英文定義:a card or piece of paper that can be exchanged in a shop for goods of the value that is printed on it 指百貨公司、商店的禮卷,可以用來換禮品或禮物的就是gift certificate。 例句:Many stores offer gift certificates now. 現在許多商店都有提供禮券。

    英文定義:something valuable, such as an amount of money, that is given to someone who succeeds in a competition or game or that is given to someone as a reward for doing very good work 例句:I won a prize in the raffle. 我在摸彩時得到了一個獎品。

    酒席的英文單字應該是 feast,但外商公司通常會用 party 來表示宴席 例句:The boss will give envelopes on the spring party. 老闆將會在春酒上發送紅包

  2. 【春酒】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:wine brewed in spring,春季釀制或釀成的酒也指民間習俗,春節時宴請親友吃春酒。 漢英詞典提供【春酒】的詳盡英文翻譯、用法、例句等

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 2022年1月14日 · 【年末】feast & banquet:尾牙、春酒英文 . 疫情又升溫,有台灣朋友擔心今年公司的尾牙可能取消。 外商會不時辦各種 party,而台灣的「尾牙」通常是晚宴形式,所以說成 year-end banquet 更貼切。

  5. 2024年3月15日 · 非常的直翻 【春酒spring partyOur company organizes a spring party every year to celebrate the arrival of the new season. 我們公司每年都會舉辦春酒來慶祝新一季的到來。. 那如果是尾牙的話,會說 【尾牙year-end party】有點像是年末派對的概念 Our company is organizing a year-end ...

  6. 春酒 ,古稱春卮,年節習俗之一,廣東、香港稱為「春茗」,日本稱「新年會」,即公司企業、政治機構會舉辦春酒,酬勞辛苦一年的員工,另一方面也答謝合作單位、客戶。

  7. 2017年2月18日 · 春酒英文? 其實兩者都是指年底公司的一些聚餐,就看公司文化要怎樣吃喝抽獎或給員工一個與眾同樂的機會而已。 所以兩者的英文簡單來說都可以是: Year-end party / dinner 或 annual party / dinner 這樣就夠明白了囉!

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