Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    • 1. to exert all one's strength; to throw in one's whole might; to try one's best; to spare no effort; to do one's utmost; to do all one can
    • 2. at full stretch; full speed ahead; with might and main; to the best of one's ability

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  2. 2013年10月25日 · 世界公民文化中心是一所兩年制英語學院,以「英語島學程」獨有的一對一教學和與國際商業趨勢同步的團體討論課程,幫助企業人士善用英語整合能力,達成個人和企業國際化的目標,為高科技與國際跨國公司仰賴的商務英語學習機構。

  3. 2014年5月30日 · 說明:all-out當形容詞,意謂「毫無保留、竭盡全力的」,all-out effort即是毫無保留的努力。 2、Pull out all the stops 不遺餘力、使出全力. 例:Everyone here has to pull out all the stops to stick to our annual sales plan. 這裡的每個人都必須不遺餘力按照我們的年度銷售計劃來做。 說明:pull out all the stops這個慣用語是從音樂界流傳而來。 stops指的是風琴上控制各個笛管的圓鈕,把圓鈕全都拔起,所有笛管就會齊聲共鳴,用以引伸為「不遺餘力、使出全力」。 廣告-請繼續往下閱讀. 3、Try the whole bag of tricks 使出渾身解數.

  4. 政府必須竭盡全力,勸 喻僱主盡可能給予本 工 機會, 若某行業接受再培訓的工 大多數無法在該行業覓得工作,僱員再培訓委員會及勞工 處應查詢因由,以便研究是否有充分理由可削減或實際取消該行業的輸入勞工配額。

  5. 英漢例句. 我將 竭盡全力 ,把馬修的那些部隊的事情當作我優先處理的事項。. i will do everything in my power to make troops like matthew my priority, ” the president wrote. 盡管她 竭盡全力 控制自己,聲音仍然在顫抖。. her voice was shaking despite all her efforts to control it. 管理部門 ...

  6. 竭尽全力 的翻譯 中文 (简体)-英語詞典. do/try your utmost C1 phrase. to do something as well as you can by making a great effort: She did her utmost to finish on time. 她尽了最大努力按时完成。 go all out phrase. to put all your energy or enthusiasm into what you are doing: The team went all out for a win. 球队全力以赴,志在必得。 bear down phrase US.

  7. 竭盡全力的英文是 go out of one's way to do something; do one's best...。. - 中英物語 ChToEn.

  8. 竭盡全力. do/try your utmost C1 phrase. to do something as well as you can by making a great effort: She did her utmost to finish on time. 她盡了最大努力按時完成。 go all out phrase. to put all your energy or enthusiasm into what you are doing: The team went all out for a win. 球隊全力以赴,志在必得。 bear down phrase US. to put more effort into doing something: