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  1. 陶瓷双闸板出料阀的工作原理:当陶瓷双闸板出料阀气源从上进气口通入时,陶瓷双闸板出料阀阀杆带动阀板向下运动,阀门关闭。当气源从下进气口通入时,阀杆带动阀板向上运动,阀门开启。阀板与阀座之间加载弹簧,弹簧弹力始终使阀板压向阀座保证阀门的密封性,又容许阀板在垂直上下方向 ...

  2. 陶瓷闸阀具有成本低,运行经济性高和寿命长(是钛阀的2~4倍)的优点。且具有超强的耐腐蚀、耐高温、耐磨损及耐冲蚀等显著特点。其适用介质:烟气脱硫、电厂除尘、排灰、排渣、给水处理、锅炉蒸气、石灰浆液、含颗粒海水输送。

  3. Rigao Holdings Group Co., Ltd. is located in Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province. Our company is committed to the production and sales of supporting valves in industries such as power, chemical, metallurgical, sewage treatment, gas purification, pneumatic conveying, and material conveying, achieving technological, energy-saving, and environmentally friendly goals. ...

  4. 400 Phone:400-6060-168 佰富彩Phone:0576-82230067 82230068 佰富彩Mobile:17816581618

  5. Rigao Holdings Group Co., Ltd. is located in Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province. Our company is committed to the production and sales of supporting valves in industries such as power, chemical, metallurgical, sewage treatment, gas purification, pneumatic conveying, and material conveying, achieving technological, energy-saving, and environmentally friendly goals. ...

  6. Rigao Holdings Group Co., Ltd. is located in Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province. Our company is committed to the production and sales of supporting valves in industries such as power, chemical, metallurgical, sewage treatment, gas purification, pneumatic conveying, and material conveying, achieving technological, energy-saving, and environmentally friendly goals. ...

  7. Rigao Holdings Group Co., Ltd. is located in Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province. Our company is committed to the production and sales of supporting valves in industries such as power, chemical, metallurgical, sewage treatment, gas purification, pneumatic conveying, and material conveying, achieving technological, energy-saving, and environmentally friendly goals. ...