A journey to the top. Come and discover the Eiffel Tower on the only trip to the top of its kind in Europe, and let pure emotions carry you from the esplanade to the top. Discover the Eiffel Tower.
参观埃菲尔铁塔的价格和时间。. 价格:成人最高 14.20 欧元至 35.3 欧元,儿童和青少年最高 3.6 欧元至 17.70 欧元.
Come and discover the Eiffel Tower in a journey to the clouds like none other in the world. You’ll be swept away by emotions and adrenaline, from the esplanade to the top, whether day or night! The Eiffel Tower welcomes visitors every day, including in the evening.
If there is no more online availability, note that tickets to visit the Eiffel Tower are also sold on site at the ticket offices at the monument. Regardless, we sell our tickets online up to 60 days in advance (for lift tickets) and 14 days in advance (for stairs tickets to second floor).
Toute l'actualité de la tour Eiffel. Découvrir ou visiter la tour : acheter un billet (11,8 à 29,4 € maximum pour les adultes et 3 à 14,7 € pour les enfants et les jeunes), actualités et infos pratiques.
Prices & Times. Rates and opening times to visit the Eiffel Tower. Prices: €14,20 to €35.30 maximum for adults and €3,60 to €17.70 for children and young people.
A spectacular visit experience. With your ticket to the second floor via the stairs in hand, you are completely free to explore the heart of the Tower’s structure. All the charm of Gustave Eiffel's creation and the beauty of the whole of Paris will gradually be revealed as you climb the 674 steps.
The Eiffel Tower in the world. « A vision, an object, a symbol, the Tower is anything that Man wants it to be, and this is infinite. A sight that is looked at and which looks back, a structure that is useless and yet irreplaceable, a familiar world and a heroic symbol, the witness to a century passing by an...
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您想在巴黎感受与众不同的出游体验?. 那就去埃菲尔铁塔吧!. 周日早上登上埃菲尔铁塔顶层,然后在一楼的餐馆夫人 (Madame Brasserie)餐厅享用Thierry Marx大厨特制的早午餐。. 周日早上(学校放假期间的周日除外),埃菲尔铁塔欢迎您进行全方位的游览,您将登上 ...