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  1. 6 天前 · 四縣腔 :faˊ lienˇ ien. - 客語白話字. Fâ-lièn-yen. 花蓮縣 ( 臺灣話 : Hoa-lian-koān/Hoa-liân-koān ; 客家話 : faˊ lienˇ ien ; 阿美語 :Kalingku; 太魯閣語 :Skangki; 布農語 :Kalinku; 排灣語 :Kalingeku king),是 中華民國 的 縣份 ,位於 臺灣 東部 ,境內有 北迴歸 ...

    • 臺東縣

      臺東縣(俗字寫作台東縣;臺灣話: Tâi-tang-kuān; ...

    • 花蓮市

      花蓮市(臺灣話:Hua-liân-tshī;客家話: ...

  2. 四縣腔 :faˊ lienˇ ien. - 客語白話字. Fâ-lièn-yen. 花蓮縣 ( 臺灣話 : Hoa-lian-koān/Hoa-liân-koān ; 客家话 : faˊ lienˇ ien ; 阿美語 :Kalingku; 太魯閣語 :Skangki; 布農語 :Kalinku; 排灣語 :Kalingeku king),是 中華民國 的 縣份 ,位於 臺灣 東部 ,境內有 北迴歸 ...

  3. › zh-tw › 花蓮縣花蓮縣 - Wikiwand

    花蓮縣是中華民國的縣份位於臺灣東部境內有北迴歸線通過西臨的中央山脈海岸山脈縱貫於境內東側東臨太平洋菲律賓海),北與宜蘭縣西北與臺中市西與南投縣西南與高雄市南與臺東縣相鄰總面積為4,628平方公里是臺灣面積最大的縣級行政區。 縣內人口主要聚集於花東縱谷北側的沿海地帶,縣內最大的城市是縣治花蓮市,花蓮市及其衛星城市吉安鄉、新城鄉人口約20萬人,為東部地區都市規模最大、最熱鬧、機能最好的都會區。

  4. › wiki › Hualien_CityHualien City - Wikipedia

    • Name
    • History
    • Subdivisions
    • Government Institutions
    • Demographics
    • Climate
    • Medical Care
    • Tourist Attractions
    • Transportation
    • Notable Natives

    Hualien County annals (花蓮縣志) record that the city was called "Kilai" (Chinese: 奇萊; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Kî-lâi) until the early twentieth century. This name refers to the Sakiraya Taiwanese aboriginesand their settlement. After Taiwan came under Japanese rule in 1895 its governors sought to change the name because "Kilai" is pronounced the same as the Japan...

    The Spaniards built mines for gold in Hualien in 1622. Permanent settlements began in 1851, when 2,200 Han Chinese farmers led by Huang A-fong (黃阿鳳) from Taipei arrived at Fengchuan (now the area near Hualien Rear Station). In 1875, more farmers, led by Lin Cang-an (林蒼安) from Yilan, settled at Fengchuan.[citation needed] Settlements in the area rem...

    The 45 villages (里) of the city are divided into six village unions (聯合里): (in Hanyu Pinyin) 1. The first union: Minyun (民運), Minle (民樂), Minxiang (民享), Minyi (民意), Minxin (民心), Minli (民立), Minde (民德), Minzheng (民政), Minqin (民勤), Minxiao (民孝) 2. The second union: Minsheng (民生), Minquan (民權), Minzu (民族), Minyou (民有), Minzhu (民主), Minzhi (民治) 3. The ...

    Hualien City has 9,000 aboriginal people, making it the city with the largest aboriginal population in Taiwan. The majority of the aborigines that reside in Hualien include the Amis, Atayal, Truku and Bunun.Hualien City is also the most densely populated area in Hualien county.

    Hualien experiences a tropical monsoon climate (Am) with frequent cyclones, as it borders the Pacific Ocean. It closely borders on a humid subtropical climate (Cfa) with the average temperature of the coldest month being just above 18 °C, as well as a tropical rainforest climate (Af) with the driest month's precipitation narrowly missing the 60 mm ...

    Hualien is most famous as the jumping off point for Taroko Gorge National Park. Taroko Gorge is billed as the largest marble canyon in the world. Tours from Hualien City are available in large bus tours or smaller group or private tours. Taroko Gorge features suspension bridges, trails, rivers, waterfalls and more. 1. Dongdamen Night Market 2. Hual...


    Hualien City is served by Hualien Airport located at the neighboring Xincheng Township of Hualien County. The airport is about 10 minutes drive to the city.


    1. Hualien Station, TRA North-Link Line and Hualien–Taitung Line


    The Port of Hualien is an international port in the city with liners sailing to Japan, Middle East, South East Asia and South Korea.

  5. › zh-hant › Hualien花蓮縣 - Wikiwand


  6. › zh › 花蓮市花蓮市 - Wikiwand

    花蓮市 位於臺灣花蓮縣東北端為花蓮縣縣治所在地全市面積約為29.4095平方公里與新城鄉皆為花蓮縣面積最小的三級行政區人口約有9.9萬人人口密度每平方公里約有3,368人是花蓮縣人口最多人口密度最高的行政區在全臺灣所有縣轄行政區中人口密度排行第四高

  7. 花蓮縣政府全球資訊網花蓮縣 政府全球資訊網 上方連結 網站導覽 觀光資訊網 English 字級 小 字級 中 字級 大 字級 公告園地 最新消息 新聞稿 公開徵才 公務聯繫 澄清專區 志願服務專區 ...