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  1. 關東鑫林科技股份有限公司(KANTO-PPC Inc.)前身為鑫林科技股份有限公司(PPC), 成立於2003年6月,2004年正式併入日本關東化學株式會社(Kanto Chemical Co., Inc.)電子化學品部門全球銷售體系之中。. 為因應全球化趨勢和公司永續經營,以提供客戶更先進之產品與 ...

  2. We are committed to providing high-purity electronic chemicals for the processes of semiconductor and optoelectronic related industries. Kanto-PPC Technology Co., Ltd. (KANTO-PPC Inc.) was formerly known as PPC Technology Co., Ltd. (PPC), established in June 2003.

  3. 關東鑫林科技(KANTO-PPC)專注於滿足TFT-LCD產業的最新需求,提供專為各種製程量身定制的電子化學品

  4. 關東鑫林科技股份有限公司. B : Drugs, Cosmetics and Biochemicals. F : Foods. E : Environment. S : Selectivity. To view and print the pdf-file the Adobe Acrobat Reader has to be installed on your computer. Download the latest version of this free software here: Chinese , English , Japanese.

  5. 加入關東鑫林 最新消息 公司影片 公司刊物 2017/04/17 呂志鵬董事長受邀於2017清華校友名人講堂演講 呂志鵬董事長受邀於2017清華校友名人講堂演講,以傑出企業家的學長身分與學弟妹分享求學過程和職涯規劃的寶貴經驗 ...

  6. 關東鑫林偕同荒野保護協會,9月12日舉辦【走讀濁水溪+淨河口】環境志工守護行動,在荒野協會志工老師的帶領之下,引導同仁認識在地生態,並為環境清潔盡一份心力。

  7. 关东鑫林科技股份有限公司(KANTO-PPC Inc.),前身鑫林科技(PPC)取自「Prospering Chemistry」,意即「繁荣化学」,强调以化学丰富生活,致力于提升附加价值,并在永续经营及改善环境等面向皆有着生生不息的寓意! 自成立以来,即秉持着公司的核心价值,从「 ...

  8. Highly Selective Hydrogenation Three-component catalysts, effective in the hydrogenation of simple ketones, are composed of Ruthenium(II) complexes with phosphine ligands(or diphosphine), 1,2-diamine, and a strong base. These catalysts were discovered by ...

  9. 關東鑫林即將前進各大專院校之校園徵才博覽會,歡迎對化學產業(半導體與面板製程用高純度電子化學品)有興趣的朋友前來認識我們,我們很樂意為您解說,介紹適合您的職缺,期待您的到來!

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