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  1. 馥麗精品旅館位於規劃完善.資訊林立的內湖,鄰近101大樓、故宮博物院、陽明山國家公園、圓山飯店、松山機場、饒和及士林觀光夜市、信義計畫區等多處觀光購物景點,週遭有美麗華百樂園百貨、觀景摩天輪、大湖公園以及賞景的碧山巖寺…等, 交通便利的 ...

  2. Elegance Hotel locates at the perfect-planned Neihu District with rich information. It is near the 101 Building, Taipei Palace Museum, Yangmingshan National Park, Grand Hotel, Songshan Airport, Raohe-Shilin night markets, Xinyi development zone and many other spots for tourism and shopping.

  3. 豪華加大雙人床房. 寬敞豪華的套房,提供您高品味的住宿品質. 一種寧靜古典,洋溢在明亮舒適的視野情境. 定 價. 5,700 元起. 優惠價. 2,680 元起. 房型規格. 6'x7' king size雙人床.

  4. 公告說明. ~親愛的貴賓 您好 本館因房間坪數限制,每間以兩人入住為單位,如有第三人以上入住時,每人需酌收$300清潔費,敬請配合 謝謝! 收費條件如下: 1. 身高超過110cm以上者。.

  5. ELEGANCE호텔은 기획이 완벽하고 정보가 많은 네후 (內湖)에 위치하며 근처에 101빌딩 및 국립고궁박물원 (故宮博物院), 양밍산국가공원 (陽明山國家公園), 원산반점 (圓山飯店), 송산공항 (松山機場), 라오허야시장 (饒河夜市), 스린야시장 (士林夜市), 신이구 (信義 ...

  6. 馥麗精品旅館 台北市內湖區內湖路一段325號 TEL: +886-2-2658-6167 FAX: +886-2-2799-1696

  7. Spacious and luxury suite, providing you a high grade and quality of accommodation experience. Peaceful and relaxing atmosphere from this bright and comfortable view. Price. From $ 5,700. Special Price.

  8. Booking Info. All prices include 10% service charge. Breakfast time: 7:00 am to 10:00 am. Check-in time: after 5:00 pm. Check-out time: before 12:00 am. The price is with tax and credit cards are welcome.

  9. エレガンスホテル(馥麗精品旅館) 台北市內湖区內湖路一段325号 電話:+886-2-2658-6167 ファックス:+886-2-2799-1696

  10. 장미 더블룸. 밝고 쾌적한 경치, 우아하고 조용한 즐거움. 바쁘신 귀빈님께 친절하고 따뜻한 숙박 서비스. 가격. NT $5,100부터. 할인가. NT $2380부터. 객실 종류. 5'x6.2' 더블침대.

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