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  1. Michael H. Goldhaber is a writer and consultant living and working in the San Francisco Bay Area. He originated the concept of the Attention Economy in the mid–eighties and has since worked to better understand what is at stake. This is part of a larger framework of trying to understand how the human species and its apparent reality are ...

    • Description
    • Principles
    • Interview
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    • Status

    1. Earth’s cooperative for economic fairness: " is an open global cooperative which organizes itself through the Internet and remains off-limits from nation-state control. Its aim is to make the transition to a new world by reducing as much as possible the economic and social inequalities among human beings, and at the same time gradually ...

    Via : 1. Equitable relationships based on freedom 2. Self-organization and sovereign popular assemblies 3. Public and commons 4. Retrieve common property as the common good, under popular possession and control 5. Build a cooperative and self-managed public system from mutual support 6. Freeing up access to information and knowledge 7. A new econom...

    Stacco Troncoso interviewed by Cat Johnson: "What's the importance of Fair.Coop? Can you briefly describe your vision for the coop? Our long term vision is to create a means for constructing a new social and economic system based on decentralized cooperation, bypassing the need for nation-states and central banks. In the short term, we are creating...

    "One of the priority objectives of is to build a new global economic system based on cooperation, ethics, solidarity and justice in our economic relations. For this great goal to be possible, it is very important to have a clear strategic path which is well understood and shared by’s members. This article explains the strategy w...

    May 2016 Summary

    By Guy James: "The Fairmarket is up and running in beta version at, you can see the current businesses accepting Faircoin at, Faircoin can be bought at or on the Bittrex exchange, or using the Bitsquare app, Faircoin2 is on the horizon and there is a crowdinvestment campaign here to fund its development: You can exchange between currencies using the http://fairtoea...

    Status 2016

    By Enric Duran: "The timeline that was envisioned has been delayed, but onemonth ago was launched Fairmarket beta version which was a main toolpending for deploy that second phase. You can see it ongoing on The marketplace is being improved step by step. Shipping personalizationand territorial fairmarkets, are the next to be deployed. Now, Faircoop is working at different level for increase progressivelythe real use of faircoin for exchanges The most importants: - Fair...

  2. P2P是指被创造的如下的生产方式: - 通过生产者(他们可以取得所分配的资本)之间的自由合作产生使用价值:这就是对等生产模式,“第三种生产模式”,不同于国有企业的公营或营利性生产。 其产品不具有市场上的交换价值,而在使用者团体中具有使用价值。 - 其过程和决策由生产者团体自行管理,而不受市场分配或企业管理层级的支配。 这就是P2P管理模式,或“第三种管理模式”。 - 通过新的财产公有机制,使这种使用价值可被广泛的自由使用:这就是其分配或“物权模式”:“第三种所有权模式”,不同于私有财产或公共(国有)财产。 P2P的基础结构. 需要什么来推动该点对点模式的出现呢? 首要的要求是技术基础结构的存在,该技术基础结构在点对点的模式上运行,并允许“对‘固定’资本进行分布式访问”。

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