二二八國家紀念館的設立是二二八平反運動歷經重重艱難才得以建立的新里程碑。 二二八事件平反過程不僅篳路襤褸,它更是臺灣人步步掙脫被殖民、反抗高壓威權,以迄追求民主人權的重要啟蒙與實踐經驗。
參觀資訊. 團體參訪、預約. 開放時間:週二至週日:10:00~17:00. 休館日:每週一(恰逢國定假日開館,次日休館). 春節期間休館. 選舉日. 政府公告之天然災害停止上班日. 館方另行公告之必要休館日. 公車:1、204、630於「建國中學」下車.
The 228 Incident. The "228 Incident" is a major tragedy in Taiwanese history, caused by colonial isolation policies, differences with mainland China, and government corruption. The suffering of victims' families should not be ignored. Lessons must be learned, and victims should be comforted.
主入口樓梯. 主要作為集會與二二八事件紀念基金會等事務性空間用途,ㄧ樓南翼為多功能展演廳 (兼追悼區),其空間特色為天花板RC結構格子樑外露,並於周圍施作細膩之線腳。. ㄧ樓北翼則為二二八事件紀念基金會辦公室與會議接待室。.
Following the 228 Massacre in 1947, Taiwan was gripped by martial law for four decades, and calls for the rehabilitation of the victims of the massacre was unheard of until 1987 when martial law was lifted.
紀念館建築紀實. 日治時期,台灣總督府為了配合各項現代化教育之實施,創設了「台灣教育會」,並於1931年(昭和6年)4月,責成當時台灣總督府營繕課之井手薰設計完成「台灣教育會館」。. 落成後,此館隨即成為當時各式演講會會場、教育成果展示場地,及 ...
In order to fulfill the National 228 Memorial Museum's mission of pr oviding historical education regarding the February 28 Incident, the museum is committed to archiving historical artifacts. The museum works to collect, investigate, archive, manage, display and promote a range of historical items related to the February 28 Incident.