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  1. Seasonal Empowerment Qigong is a simple yet effective practice designed to help you leverage the surge of Qi energy at the start of each new jieqi. The basic technique is this: each time a new jieqi begins you focus your attention on a specific vertebra and empower it with the Qi that abounds. Why a vertebra?

  2. 2013年9月3日 · Dr. Latz uses the technique in her Integrative Psychiatric practice more often now than EFT, “because it can be done more quickly in my office and I can teach it to children, teens and adults to empower them to shift overwhelming emotions rapidly without having to create scripts or reminder phrases; and there are only 4 tapping points.

  3. 2011年10月6日 · The “Cold Dew” Empowerment. On Saturday October 8th, 2011, the 17th of the 24 yearly seasonal cycles of the Chinese solar calendar begins. This cycle, Cold Dew, begins a t 11:19 AM EDT. Cold Dew is the fifth of the six cycles of the fall season. The theme of autumn is discernment and refinement and over the next fifteen days nature will ...

  4. We invite you to remove the obstacles that keep you stuck in your relationship or circumstance. If you want to SHIFT, we are the people who have the ability to assist you to Shift Your Life®! Dr. Tracy Latz, M.D. and Dr. Marion Ross, Ph.D. (The Shift Doctors) are available for seminars and speaking engagements on the topics of integrative ...

  5. At 6:41 AM ET on May 7, 2020 (at 5 minutes prior to when the exact time of the full moon approaches), enter a silent meditation with the intention of connecting with the Wesak energies. Follow your breath and become the “silent watcher” as you remain in your heart. Experience what occurs and continue in meditation until 6:49 AM ET (after ...

  6. The Four Golden Wheels qigong practice boosts health and vitality while centering. It is a longevity basic practice taught for healing and inner peace. The “Shift Doctors” Tracy Latz M.D. and Marion Ross PhD (among the first certified teachers from Qigong Master Robert Peng) share with you the powerful Four Golden Wheels qigong practice .

  7. 'Shift Doctors' Tracy Latz & Marion Ross share their wisdom on 7 abundance hacks! Hack #1 shows you how to center your emotions to experience inner peace.