Yahoo奇摩 網頁搜尋


  1. The Roots of Jealous Love The roots of jealous love run deep in our evolutionary history, serving as a potential deterrent to infidelity. Jealousy rears its ugly green-eyed head when a perceived threat is lurking in the perimeter of an intimate relationship. A significant

  2. At 6:41 AM ET on May 7, 2020 (at 5 minutes prior to when the exact time of the full moon approaches), enter a silent meditation with the intention of connecting with the Wesak energies. Follow your breath and become the “silent watcher” as you remain in your heart. Experience what occurs and continue in meditation until 6:49 AM ET (after ...

  3. Dr. Tracy Latz& Dr. Marion Ross. Tracy Latz, M.D., M.S. (on left) is an Integrative Psychiatrist, Metaphysician, Cell Biologist and has served as an Associate Clinical Faculty member in the Department of Psychiatry at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine. She holds a Masters degree in Immuno-Biology; doctorates in Medicine, Metaphysics ...

  4. 2011年8月23日 · 4. Another ‘zapper’ is the person who needs to feel right so they strive to make you feel wrong. Theses aggressive folks often love to pick fights. They might seduce you into a conversation to test whether you will agree with them or not. If you don’t, Bam!

  5. Colors balance our chi, triggers emotions and memories, connect us to nature, inspire us, and can even seem to slow down time. When you look at a sunrise or sunset especially over beautiful blue water it can make your heart sing or bring you to tears. The colors orange, red, blue and purple both separately and in natures unique majestic sequence twice a day inspires joy. Walking in the ...

  6. An old Cherokee told his grandson: “My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego. The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy and truth.”. The boy thought about it, and asked: “Grandfather, which wolf wins?”.

  7. The Start of Spring Empowerment. The birth of springtime. On Saturday February 4th the 1st phase of the Chinese seasonal calendar begins. This phase, Start of Spring (Lichun Jieqi), begins at 5:22 AM EST as the sun reaches 315° Longitude (15° Aquarius). Start of Spring is the first of the six stages of spring.

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