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aha moment. a moment of sudden realization, inspiration, insight, recognition, or comprehension. —Merriam-Webster. noun, Informal. a point in time, event, or experience when one has a sudden insight or realization: My aha moment was when I put on my shorts from last summer and they didn’t fit. —Dictionary.com.
1. 什么是 Aha时刻. “Aha Moment”并非互联网原创,它是德国心理学家、现象学家 卡尔·布勒 (Karl Buhler)在100年前创造的词汇,大概意思是:“a peculiar, pleasure-oriented experience within the course of thought that pops up with the sudden insight into a previously un-transparent context.在思考过程 ...
2016年2月1日 · 你是怎样产生顿悟的(“Aha moment”)?. 有效学习,其实是一个不断走心、不断顿悟,螺旋式上升的过程。. 尤其当领悟到了一门学科的思考方法或者思维过程时候,会有源源不断地柳暗花明之感。. 比如,最近学习…. 显示全部 . 关注者. 131. 被浏览. 9,206.
Aha moment(多译为“顿悟时刻”)这个表达是由德国心理学家及现象学家卡尔布勒在大约100多年前首创的。. 他当时对这个表达的定义是“思考过程中一种特殊的、愉悦的体验,期间会突然对之前并不明朗的某个局面产生深入的认识。. ” 现在,我们多用aha moment来 ...
2012年12月17日 · ha moment 名词. Definition: a sudden understanding, recognition, or resolution; also called [aha reaction] An "Aha moment" is a time when you say "Aha! Now I see." In other words, Aha moments are times when you realize something, something that's been bothering you for a long time, such as a philosophical question for lack of a good choice ...
The Aha! Moment 是什么意思?. 关注问题. 写回答. 登录/注册. 心理学. The Aha! Moment 是什么意思?. 心理学.
1.1 “aha时刻”的定义. "aha时刻",是新用户首次使用产品时,有那么一个灵光乍现的瞬间,他首次确认了这个产品对他来说是有用的、有价值的。. 这个时刻带有情感的气息,带有温度。. 当你第一次使用微信,认识到这款产品可以让你和外地或者是其他国家的 ...
My Aha moment 11.23. This term hit me today when I was doing my dishes: restore evolutionary potential. evolution of any species is largely influenced by its interactions with other species. For example, American cheetahs played a pivotal role in the evolution of pronghorn antelopes’ fast speed (cheetahs prey on pronghorns).
2013年12月14日 · AHA 为单一水基果酸,PHA为多重水基果酸的简称,顾名思义这二种物质都是果酸,只是在结构上,PHA较AHA多出许多保水的水基,我们举一个例子:甘醇酸为市面上最常见的AHA果酸,因为它的分子量是所有果酸中最小的,与皮肤的亲和力又最佳,因此最常被作为果酸 ...
lonely heart. take my lonely, lonely heart. take me to (the lonely like) he say we'll try. lonely heart. oh my darling take my lonely heart. say you gonna be a grand big star. take my lonely heart, lonely heart. lonely baby love me cheer to the heart. (xx) when you see me come 'n take my heart.