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  1. Experience modern comfort at Ambassador Hotel Taipei, a deluxe hotel in the central Zhongshan district, 5 minutes’ walk to Shuanglian metro station.

  2. 自2009年以來,A CUT 牛排館屢獲葡萄酒權威雜誌「Wine Spectator」頒發「最佳卓越獎」,並推薦為「葡萄酒愛好者必須知道」的餐廳。. A CUT 牛排館從2009年到2015年連續榮獲「最佳卓越獎」的肯定。. 想要品嘗全世界最上乘的牛肉,搭配陳年佳釀,就在這家得獎無數的 ...

  3. 新竹國賓大飯店座落於市中心繁華地段,秉持「以客為尊」為服務宗旨,並獲全球獨立酒店集團Worldhotels豪華系列飯店的認證。. 下榻於國賓大飯店,讓您體驗極致的便利性與舒適感,享受在地最棒的消費購物與餐飲美食;連結新竹科學園區和高鐵新竹站,僅需15 ...

  4. The Ambassador Hotel Co. Ltd. (TAIEX: 2704 TT) is a Taipei-based hospitality investment and management group that operates a portfolio of luxury hotels and award-winning restaurants located throughout Taiwan.

  5. Savor the world’s choicest cuts of beef paired with inspiring vintages at this award-winning steakhouse. Declared a restaurant ‘wine lovers need to know’ by Wine Spectator, A CUT STEAKHOUSE has consistently received the magazine’s ‘Best of Award of Excellence’ rating since 2009.

  6. Enjoy local and international favorites at ahmicafé all day dining restaurant of Ambassador Hotel Taipei. Reservations +886 2 2551 1111 extension 2181.

  7. Explore Ambassador Hotel Hsinchu’s comfortable guest rooms with free WiFi and separate shower, including popular Corner King Rooms with panoramic city views.

  8. Enjoy deluxe rooms with free WiFi and panoramic city views at Ambassador Hotel Hsinchu. Book on or call +886 3 515 1111.

  9. 台北國賓大飯店座落於台北市金融中心,鄰近著名觀光景點和百貨公司,快捷交通動線的位置,只要步行5分鐘,即可到達台北捷運雙連站。. 距離台灣桃園國際機場僅40分鐘車程,而距離臺北松山機場也只需15分鐘車程。. 飯店內處處呈現新歐式古典居家主義的 ...

  10. › en › taipeiAMBASSADOR HOTEL

    The Ambassador Hotel Taipei, which opened in 1964, is the first privately-owned five-star tourist hotel in Taiwan. During its renovation period from 2022 to 2028, the restaurant will continue to operate on the 2nd floor at No. 177, Liaoning Street, Zhongshan District

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