保釋金. He was released / remanded on bail (of $100,000). 他在交出(十萬美元的)保釋金後被放了出來。. Because of a previous conviction, the judge refused to grant bail (= allow the accused person to be released). 由於嫌犯有前科,法官不准將他保釋。. Her parents have agreed to put up/ stand (US also post ...
- Bail在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯
bail的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. an amount of money that a ...
- 繁體
CERTAIN翻譯:無疑問的, 肯定的,無疑的;有把握的;確定的 ...
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bail翻譯:钱, 保释金, 板球, 除去水, (从船中)往外舀水, ...
- Drink-driving:中文
DRINK-DRIVING翻譯:酒後駕車。了解更多。 the process by ...
- Bailing
bail verb (MONEY) [ T ] If someone accused of a crime ...
- Bail在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯
bail verb (MONEY) [ T ] If someone accused of a crime is bailed, they are released until their trial after paying bail to the court: She was yesterday bailed for three weeks on drink-driving offences. [ + to infinitive ] He was bailed to appear at the Magistrates' Court next month. 「SMART 詞彙」:相關單字和片語.
保释金. He was released / remanded on bail (of $100,000).他在交了(10万美元的)保释金后被放了出来。. Because of a previous conviction, the judge refused to grant bail (= allow the accused person to be released).由于嫌疑人有前科,法官不准保释。. Her parents have agreed to put up/ stand (US also post) (= pay ...
bail. n. vt. (從船裡)往外舀(水);從(船)裡往外舀水 [(+out)] They bailed water out of the sinking boat. 他們從正在下沉的船裡把水舀出。. vi.
1. 保釋(某人);(法官)將(在押犯)交保釋放 [(+out)] The lawyer bailed the prisoner out of jail. 律師保釋犯人出獄。. 2. 託付(財物). 3. 幫助(某人)脫離困境 [(+out)] My friends bailed me out with economic aid. 我的朋友們從經濟上幫助我使我脫離困境。. 更多解釋.
bailing中文的意思、翻譯及用法:v. 保釋;擺脫困境;(擠奶時)用活動閘架固定(母牛頭部);攔路搶劫;強留(對方)談話;把水舀出(船)(bail 的現在分詞)。
the legal system that allows an accused person to be temporarily released from custody (usually on condition that a sum of money guarantees their appearance at trial); "he is out on bail ". remove (water) from a vessel with a container. empty (a vessel) by bailing. secure the release of (someone) by providing security.