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  2. › enBasel Zoo

    Basel Zoo has been captivating visitors ever since it opened in 1874. Find out all about Basel Zoo

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  4. › wiki › Zoo_BaselZoo Basel - Wikipedia

    Its main entrance is just outside Basel's downtown strip of Steinen-Vorstadt and extends in the Birsig stream valley to Basel's city border with Binningen, Basel-Country. The zoo has over 500 animal species from all seven continents. Zoo Basel is Switzerland's oldest (1874) and largest zoo by number of animals.

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  6. › en › attractionsBasel Zoo |

    Basel Zoo is a popular excursion destination and well worth a visit at any time of year. In the summer months the park is an ideal place to stroll in the open air, in the winter months the various animal houses guarantee up close and personal encounters with a wide variety of animals.

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