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- $550[迷路商店]The CHOYA梅酒酒瓶黑巧克力/皇蜜梅酒酒瓶黑巧克力 120g 兩款供選迷路商店
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- $55台灣製 現貨 零售889cc、550cc、300c秋雅梅酒瓶 玻璃小店 CHOYA 廣口瓶 蜂蜜瓶 玻璃瓶 酒瓶 醋瓶玻璃小店
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- $39台灣製 現貨 零售@300cc冷泡茶瓶、梅酒瓶@ 玻璃小店 水壺 烏龍茶 紅茶 綠茶 CHOYA 玻璃瓶 酒瓶 醋玻璃小店
- $630台灣製 現貨 300cc秋雅梅酒瓶 玻璃小店 一箱24支 CHOYA 廣口瓶 蜂蜜瓶 玻璃瓶 空瓶 酒瓶 醋瓶 梅酒瓶玻璃小店
- $706台灣製 現貨 550cc秋雅梅酒瓶 玻璃小店 一箱24支 CHOYA 廣口瓶 蜂蜜瓶 玻璃瓶 空瓶 酒瓶 醋瓶 容器玻璃小店
2022年8月10日 · I love this post. The idea of you running around the map, trying to find the little cactus dudes like they are some kind of cryptid. Going slowly more crazed as you continue to run past where they spawn, just slightly out of line of sight or view distance. Beautiful. If
2019年12月16日 · If you absolutely want to do the choya experience, I would find a container that you can properly crew and seal, like this, and transfer the content in that new container. In general, bringing umeshu or alcohol, I wrap it around cloth and put it in the middle of my suitcase. Some stores will even wrap it in bubble wrap for you, so just ask ...
Hello and welcome to r/Chyoa, the subreddit for the hit interactive sex stories site, chyoa.com! We are pleased to have you here and we hope you have a productive and fun time interacting with the community. To begin with, here is the rundown of the rules and a simply guide on posting! 1.) No Harassment.
2022年5月31日 · Choya tonic vs axe toy (for movement): Choya (with skill 2)= (420 u/s): The Choya Pinata Tonic and Roll Out: is a transformation is affected by both Quickness and movement speed modifiers lower base speed (500 u/s), shorter cooldown (1s), slightly shorter duration. The Executioner Toy Axe and Corpse Throw: is a bundle weapon is only affected by ...
2018年12月30日 · It's about the fact that they're Choya, and Choya are the best creatures in GW2. You simply can't go wrong with a Trained Choya Hammer in your hands, Choya Tools in your gathering slots, and an Endless Choya Tonic (any kind) on your novelty hotkey. If only it was Endless Choya Combat Tonic.
2022年1月27日 · Choya is an easy rec. But you might want to try their aged stuff, less bitter, more smooth, and not as strikingly sweet as others. Aged umeshu is always my go-to unless I'm serving a ton to a lot of people. Cheaper umeshu can be overly sweet, still has the alcohol bite, and I'm not sure if they flavor it but it comes off that way.
2017年9月21日 · The only form of Choya I like but good job anyway, looks nice. This choya knows about the female meta hairtsyle. It's so cuuuuuuuuute! Perfect for murdering you in your sleep snuggling on those long dark nights of ganking noobs.
Skimmer- Resilient spirit. Skimmer speed increases in combat, by 15%. Damaging Condi increase speed by 1%, Soft CC increase it by 5%. Skimmer- Shared Resilience. Other mounts gain the effect of resilient spirit. Jackal- Shifting Intelligence. If you dismount with your engage skill, you are remounted as soon as combat is left.
This subreddit is for the sharing and finding of Interactive CYOA. CYOA Are something like character/scenario creators for role-playing, fantasy fulfillment, and story development. Interactive CYOA are CYOA where, when you select the choices, the choices are logged and typically marked in some way to show that it has been chosen, and also keeps track of your points.
SAB - Super Bow, New Backpack, Piranha and Pot. [Guide] Text below is obviously a spoiler. Don't read if you want to complete it on your own. Seed Generation, Under 3 / Super Bow achievements. You need 3 choya seeds to get the choya dictionary from the merchant (required to be able to buy the bow) -First one you buy for 500 baubles right at the ...