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  1. Yahoo奇摩字典
    KK [ˋkodɪŋ]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 識別;分辨
    • 2. code的動詞現在分詞、動名詞

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  2. 2024年7月28日 · What is Hard-coding Hard-coding refers to the practice of embedding specific values or data directly into the source code of a program or application instead of using a more flexible and dynamic approach. This includes writing and using values directly in the code, typically by assigning them to variables or using them in calculations or comparisons. Why Hard-coding Should not be Used to ...

  3. 帮你从不会写代码到会写代码解决问题的过渡。. 你目前的阶段,跟着课程学,做好习题。. 有一个过程,所以不要着急,不懂的去找TA 问。. 先搞定一门编程语言,再学数据结构与算法,再刷题。. 刷leetCode 是提高代码能力的比较好的方法之一。. 特别国外都需要 ...

  4. Rosetta Code. Rosetta Code is a series of programming challenges to help you become a more well-rounded developer. Named after the famous Rosetta Stone, the open source website hosts hundreds of problems solved in a variety of programming languages. 12.

  5. 首推GitHub。. 如果偏要在Gitee和Coding里面选择的话,. 建议把Gitee当成中国版的GitHub,. 把Coding看成是团队版的Gitee。. 权衡一下使用方面,. 自己挑选吧。. 编辑于 2020-07-20 20:43. 初九在下 . 单身,求交往,很严肃,很认真。.

  6. 今天,我们很高兴地宣布 Coding Enterprise 发布了 —— Coding Enterprise 是 CODING 专为企业打造的软件开发协作平台,提供了针对中小型企业的公有云版本和针对大型企业的私有云版本,功能覆盖所有的开发场景,可以帮助企业更高效便捷地进行开发协作

  7. 2024年1月20日 · Hello everyone! 👋 I’ve been pondering the recent advancements in AI, including models like GPT-4 and especially with Google’s GEMINI project. As these technologies continue to evolve, I’m curious about the potential impact on coding jobs. Do you think there’s a possibility that AI could take over coding tasks to a significant extent, potentially limiting job opportunities for ...

  8. 2019年6月13日 · I would assume we are talking specifically about HTML here, so I would use HTML as an example. Consider this: <p>Hello</p>. <p>World</p>. The div element would be the parent (or main) element, while the p elements would be both children of the div element. Basically any element nested within an element is a child of that element.

  9. 2017年6月13日 · Hi, I’ve been coding since more than 2 years and really find it hard and struggle to build even simpler of the things, should I give up on coding ??? I graduated in 2015 and unemployed since then, I tried to learn to code to make career in Web development but it’s been a struggle. I can follow tutorials, articles, pick code snippets from stackoverflow/codepen, but when it comes to build ...

  10. › people › xiaolincoding小林coding - 知乎

    小林coding . 计算机网络话题下的优秀答主. 我在知乎写了 60 多篇的技术文章,平均每一篇都 1W+字,写的内容都是计算机基础类的,比如计算机网络、操作系统、计算机组成、数据库等等,在写这些文章的时候,看了很多答住所说的动辄几百上千页的计算机书 ...

  11. 2016年7月11日 · Not getting this question how to solve and what's the intention of the question

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