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  1. The Color Run, also known as the Happiest 5K on the Planet, is a unique event that celebrates healthiness, happiness, and individuality. Now the largest running series in the world, The Color Run has been experienced by over 8 million runners worldwide in 50

  2. 2013年10月1日 · Color Run號稱地球上「最歡樂的五公里路跑」,上周在台北大佳河濱公園正式開跑。 與其說Color Run是路跑,不如說這是一場五彩繽紛的嘉年華會,每個參賽者都在途中被噴上各色彩粉,自然讓人雀躍。

  3. The Color Run™,同時也被稱為地球上最歡樂的5公里路跑,是一項崇尚健康、快樂、彰顯自我並回報社區的跑步活動。 與追求速度不同,在The Color Run活動中,Color Runner得到的是一種前所未有的跑步體驗。 5公里的The Color Run不計時,成千上萬的跑者每一公里都將經過一個彩粉區,從頭到腳都可能被灑上不同的顏色。 衝過終點線後,歡樂並沒有停止。 在終點舞臺區將開始一場更加壯觀的色彩派對,屆時大家會一起將手中的彩粉灑向空中,每個人都會變成色彩繽紛的調色盤,如此快樂又神奇的時刻將深深印在你的腦海裡。 相信我們,這將是你所見過最棒的5公里完跑派對! 參加The Color Run只有兩個規則: 1.請穿著白色衣服站上起點線! 2.帶著最酷炫的色彩衝過終點線!

  4. WHAT IS THE COLOR RUN? The Color Run, also known as the Happiest 5K on the Planet, is a unique event that celebrates healthiness, happiness, and individuality. Now the largest running series in the world,The Color Run has been experienced by over 8 million runners worldwide in 50+ countries .

  5. The Color Run is an event series and five kilometer paint race, inspired by the Hindu festival of Holi, that is owned and operated by The Color Run LLC, a for-profit company. [1] [2] It takes place in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, New Zealand, Australia, Africa, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

  6. The Color Run, also known as the Happiest 5k on the Planet, is a unique paint race that celebrates healthiness, happiness, and individuality. Now the largest running series in the world, The Color Run has been experienced by over 6 million runners worldwide in 35+ countries.

  7. With no winners or official times, The Color Run celebrates healthiness, happiness, and individuality, helping participants achieve their fitness goals by providing a fun, un-intimidating...

  8. 2013年7月18日 · 地球上最快樂的5公里路跑The Color Run於2012年1月第一次在美國鳳凰城舉辦,其特色在於全程5公里的路程中,每隔一公里處皆設有一個Color Zone,每當跑者經過時,工作人員便會開始噴灑彩色粉末,直到經過第四個Color Zone為止,屬於你自己獨一無二的

  9. 活動介紹. The Color Run™(彩色跑),同時也被稱為地球上最歡樂的5公里,是一項推崇健康、快樂、彰顯自我並回報社區的跑步活動。 The Color Run彩色跑的宗旨是健康、快樂、人人參與,通過彩色站的設定和互動,讓每一個五公里都"不白跑"。 Color Run彩色跑活動在國內的年輕人群體中傳播開來,不過在這裡,跑步並不是主要的,互相撒彩粉之後的自拍才是最主要的。 與追求速度不同,在The Color Run活動中,彩色跑者得到的是一種前所未有的跑步體驗。 距離為5公里的The Color Run不計時,跑者每一公里都將經過一個色彩站,從頭到腳都會被拋灑上不同的顏色。 衝過終點線後,歡樂並沒有停止。

  10. Founded in 2011, The Color Run was the world’s first COLOR 5K and COLOR DASH event. By creating a race that’s more about the memories you make than your mile-per-minute, we make running accessible to everyone, no matter their experience level or

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