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    KK [ˋflɪkɚ]

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 閃爍;搖曳;忽隱忽現 She was reading by the flickering light of the candle. 她借著閃爍的燭光讀書。
    • 2. 顫動;擺動;來回轉動 Shadows flickered on the wall. 影子在牆上閃動不定。

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 使搖曳;使閃爍不定;使忽隱忽現 The wind flickered the light of the oil lamp. 風吹得油燈光搖閃不定。
    • 2. 以閃爍的光表示

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 閃爍;搖曳;忽隱忽現[the S]
    • 2. 輕快的動作;閃現[the S] Maybe, she said with a flicker of a smile. 她帶著一絲笑容說:也許吧。

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  2. verb. uk / ˈflɪk.ə r/ us / ˈflɪk.ɚ / Add to word list. [ I ] to shine with a light that is sometimes bright and sometimes weak. 搖曳;閃爍. I felt a cold draft and the candle started to flicker. 我感到一陣冷風襲來,燭光開始搖曳起來。 [ I or T ] to appear for a short time or to make a sudden movement. 閃現,一閃而過;使…突然動一下. A smile flickered across her face. 她臉上掠過一絲微笑。

  3. 1. 閃爍;搖曳;忽隱忽現 She was reading by the flickering light of the candle. 她借著閃爍的燭光讀書。 2. 顫動;擺動;來回轉動 Shadows flickered on the wall. 影子在牆上閃動不定。 3. (鳥)撲動翅膀. 4. 【美】【俚】昏倒;假裝昏倒. vt. 及物動詞. 1....

  4. verb. uk / ˈflɪk.ə r/ us / ˈflɪk.ɚ / Add to word list. [ I ] to shine with a light that is sometimes bright and sometimes weak. 搖曳;閃爍. I felt a cold draft and the candle started to flicker. 我感到一陣冷風襲來,燭光開始搖曳起來。 [ I or T ] to appear for a short time or to make a sudden movement. 閃現,一閃而過;使…突然動一下. A smile flickered across her face. 她臉上掠過一絲微笑。

  5. verb. uk / ˈflɪk.ə r/ us / ˈflɪk.ɚ / Add to word list. [ I ] to shine with a light that is sometimes bright and sometimes weak. 摇曳;闪烁. I felt a cold draft and the candle started to flicker. 我感到一阵冷风袭来,烛光开始摇曳起来。 [ I or T ] to appear for a short time or to make a sudden movement. 闪现,一闪而过;使…突然动一下. A smile flickered across her face. 她脸上掠过一丝微笑。

  6. flicker中文的意思、翻譯及用法:v. 閃爍,搖曳;顫動;(情緒等)閃現;快速瞥視;撲動翅膀n. 閃爍,閃光;霎時的感情(猶豫、激動等);抖動,顫動;(電影的)圖像閃爍;微小動作;(鳥)撲翅鴷屬n.

  7. ⑴. ( C) ! (火燄、光的) 搖曳; 明滅的火燄 [光] 【同義字】 flicker 閃爍將熄著的火燄. blaze 熊熊大火. ⑵. ( C) (樹葉等的) 搖動,擺動. ⑶. [ a flicker] (希望等的) 閃動.

  8. 8 种含义: 1. to shine with an unsteady or intermittent light 2. to move quickly to and fro; quiver, flutter, or vibrate 3. to cause to flicker 4. an.... 点击查看更多定义。 翻译器

  9. n. (火焰,光的) 烁,摇曳;(身体部位的)小 快的动作;(感觉或情绪的) , 过. 时 态: flickered, flickering, flickers. 近义、反义、联想词. 近义词. n. flash, woodpecker, peckerwood, pecker, motion, movement, move. v. move back and forth, shine, beam, flash, blink, wink, twinkle. 联想词.

  10. 释义. [人名] 弗利克. 大小写变形: flicker. 实用场景例句. 全部. 闪烁. 闪光. Her eyelids flickered as she slept. 她睡觉时眼睑不停地眨动。 牛津词典. the flicker of a television/candle. 电视画面的闪动;烛光的摇曳. 牛津词典. the flicker of an eyelid. 眼睑的跳动. 牛津词典. a flicker of hope/doubt/interest. 希望 / 怀疑 / 兴趣的闪现. 牛津词典. A flicker of a smile crossed her face. 她脸上闪过一丝微笑。 牛津词典. The lights flickered and went out.

  11. flicker的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to shine with a light that is sometimes bright and sometimes weak: 2. to appear for a short…。了解更多。

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