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  1. 輕盈與速度至上,採用 FuelCell 泡棉達到最佳推進力與速度,重量極輕,無論征戰各種跑程,FuelCell Rebel v4 都是你的首選鞋款。 最適合於 日常跑步 最適合於 快跑

  2. 探索New Balance 最新系列FuelCell Rebel. 會員單筆購物滿NT2,400享免運. 立即選購!.

  3. Rebel by name, rebel by nature, the FuelCell Rebel v4 will change the way you look at an everyday trainer. The propulsive feel of FuelCell technology creates a remarkably responsive underfoot that can quickly adapt from long, steady runs to something shorter and more spontaneous.

  4. FuelCell Rebel v4就如其名字一樣以別具特色的設計為日常運動鞋帶來新鮮感。 鞋底加入FuelCell技術以提升推進感,即使進行長途跑依然可以保持優秀的反應。

  5. FuelCell Rebel v4就如其名字一樣以別具特色的設計為日常運動鞋帶來新鮮感。 鞋底加入FuelCell技術以提升推進感,即使進行長途跑依然可以保持優秀的反應。

  6. The New Balance FuelCell Rebel v4 is the PEBA-based update to the popular lightweight performance trainer. Featuring a brand new PEBA version of FuelCell, the ride becomes faster and bouncier than ever. A new wider upper/forefoot sits up top while a secure midfoot and heel keep the platform locked to the foot no matter what the pace.

  7. FuelCell Rebel v4主打輕盈快捷,設計中加入FuelCell泡綿,為跑者帶來源源不絕的推動力,同時讓跑鞋保持輕巧,是適合不同跑步訓練的款式。 產品詳情. 特性. FuelCell泡綿提供推進感,助你輕鬆向前. 附有熱昇華印刷圖案. 無縫線拼貼設計. Longitudinal outsole pods. 212 grams (7.5 oz) 原材料. 合成物料/網眼布鞋面. 款式#: null. 尺碼. FantomFit鞋面設計,極輕巧而具備承托力. 鞋面無縫線設計,簡潔且貼合腳型. 6毫米鞋跟尖差;開發和製作過程中均有可能產生差異,6毫米鞋跟尖差僅為參考值. 綁帶款式. 尺碼指南. 選購全部 鞋類. 設計焦點. 極致輕巧. 功能更強大的中底. 利落無縫.

  8. 2024年5月25日 · The New Balance FuelCell Rebel v4 is an excellent lightweight speed trainer which is perfect for any run faster than easy pace. Its new midsole which is a blend of PEBA & EVA delivers an energetic, engaging ride which makes it want to pick up the pace.

    • Brandon Law
  9. Rebel by name, rebel by nature, the FuelCell Rebel v4 will change the way you look at an everyday trainer. The propulsive feel of FuelCell technology creates a remarkably responsive underfoot that can quickly adapt from long, steady runs to something shorter and more spontaneous.

  10. 2024年4月18日 · The New Balance FuelCell Rebel v4 is a bold refresh, crafted to preserve its famously fun ride with a sleek, low-stack midsole, while boosting both fit and stability. In our runs, we were also excited to discover its upgraded midsole, which now provides better energy return.