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  1. ご宿泊予約. 「庭のホテル 東京」は、東京ドームに近く、JR水道橋駅より徒歩3分と交通至便ながら、緑溢れる静かな立地。. 4つの庭と共に和洋2つのレストランがあり、「美しいモダンな和」をコンセプトに上質な時間と空間をご提供しています。.

  2. Located in the Kanda-Misakicho area, Hotel Niwa Tokyo's history includes its evolution from a traditional ryokan inn opened in 1935. With our concept of "beautiful modern Japanese style" that combines Japanese aesthetics with functionality to meet the needs of modern people, we hope that many guests will rediscover the qualities that only a ...

  3. Information about the guest rooms, packages, and facilities at Hotel Niwa Tokyo.

  4. Experience. Spend your time exactly as you wish, in our relaxing hotel away from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo's city center, or strolling around the local culture-filled neighborhood. Enjoy your stay.

  5. 朝食のご案内. 近県の契約農家より直送される新鮮な野菜やハーブが自慢のサラダバー、焼きたてのバゲットやクロワッサンなどで1日の活力をたっぷりチャージできます。. 日本料理「縁」のこだわりの和定食もお選びいただけます。. 朝食を詳しく見る. TOP ...

  6. Our quartet of gardens present comfortable, relaxing spaces where nature and our hotel harmonize in a way that is unique to Japan, a country that has nurtured its own culture while remaining close to nature since long ago.

  7. From the latest art and fashion to the histor ically rich culture , enjoy a one of a kind experience in Tokyo with a perfect mix of the old and new. Shinjuku In Shinjuku, one of Japan's premier downtown areas, you can enjoy 24 hour shopping, dining, entertainment, and more.

  8. Cuisine with fresh seasonal ingredients. For lunch, please enjoy our popular salad bar, where you can eat as much as you'd like from the selection of fresh vegetables, herbs, and more produced in Tokyo's suburbs. For dinner, LIEU offers not only prix fixe options, but also a variety of à la carte dishes.

  9. ホテルの名前でもある「庭」。. 古来、自然に寄り添いながら独自の文化を育んできた、. 日本ならではの自然と建物が調和した心地よい寛ぎの空間を、. 4つのかたちで表現しました。. それぞれの庭は、四季の自然を目と耳、. そして香りで楽しむことが ...

  10. ABOUT US. 神田三崎町で、1935年創業の日本旅館から発展してきた歴史を持つ庭のホテル 東京。. 和の趣と現代人のニーズに見合う機能性を併せ持つ『美しいモダンな和』をコンセプトに、ひとりでも多くのお客様に日本のホテルならではの良さを再発見して ...

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