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  1. 気象庁が発表する気象情報、地震・津波情報、データ、火山、気候、環境、海洋情報を掲載 気象庁:〒105-8431 東京都港区虎ノ門3-6-9(案内図)代表電話:03(6758)3900 ※お電話のおかけ間違いにご注意ください 法人番号8000012100004 気象庁ホームページについて

  2. Marine Warnings/Forecasts Distribution Marine Forecasts Climate of Japan Oceanographic Observation State of the Ocean Climate Atmospheric Environment Oceanic Carbon Cycle Sea Waves Around Japan / Western North Pacific

  3. 2 天前 · 氣象廳提供台風情報和預報,包括實況和未來幾天的預報。

  4. 熱中症警戒アラート等(環境サイト) 今後の雪 (※現在の雪をリニューアル)

  5. 中央氣象署提供精緻化預報及現代化氣象觀測, 縣市天氣預報, 鄉鎮天氣預報, 各類觀測資訊, 衛星雲圖, 雷達迴波, 雨量累積, 閃電, 紫外線, ...等。

  6. The Meteorological Satellite Center (MSC) of Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) has been operating a series of Geostationary Meteorological Satellites (GMSs) since 1978. Its images are contributing to prevent and mitigate several natural disasters.

  7. When an earthquake occurs, the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) estimates the possibility of tsunami generation from seismic observation data. If disastrous waves are expected in coastal regions, JMA issues a Tsunami Warning/Advisory for each region expected to be affected based on estimated tsunami heights.

  8. 華人最大動漫及遊戲社群網站,提供 ACG 每日最新新聞、熱門排行榜,以及豐富的討論交流空間,還有精采的個人影音實況、部落格文章。

  9. 2021年12月28日 · JMA, as a WMO World Meteorological Centre (WMC), operates the ensemble prediction system of an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) for one-month prediction and atmosphere-ocean coupled general circulation model (CGCM) for one-month, three-month and warm/cold season prediction.

  10. WMO/ASEAN Training Workshop on Weather Radar Data Quality Control and Radar Data Exchange held in Bangkok, Thailand, with JMA support (29 January - 2 February 2024)

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