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  1. 國會擴權釋憲裁准暫時處分 民進黨團:各政黨應尊重憲法精神. 擴大AI效應!. 國科會曝「這些領域」也動起來!. │【官我什麼事】. 新聞360》獨家!. 陳時中親揭高端合約內幕 打臉吳子嘉「靠疫苗A錢」謠言. 自由爆新聞》藍白輕放楊文科?. 黃國昌不咆哮"瞎掰 ...

  2. 反擴權台中宣講 綠:暫時處分是民主勝利. 民進黨全代會林右昌:未來將積極連結民團擴大執政社會基礎金廈泳渡與中國官員同場不同框羅文嘉 ...

  3. 4 天前 · On June 21, China issued “22 guidelines” about punishing Taiwanese independence activists, with severe penalties, including the death sentence. China’s Taiwan Affairs Office said that the Chinese authorities would track down “die-hard Taiwan independence separatists” wherever they might be. Even foreign businesspeople operating in ...

  4. 巴菲特減持美銀股票 套現483億元. 網路認識乾妹妹從沒見面卻讓他差點被騙93萬台積電股東人數超車00878奪台股人氣王熱爆!. 15縣市高溫特報 ...

  5. 2022年8月10日 · The Liberty Times Editorial: Securing tomorrows peace today. Compared with its reaction to US President Joe Biden sending a delegation of former senior defense and security officials to Taiwan in March, China ratcheted up its saber rattling in response to US House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit.

  6. 2 天前 · 首頁 > 熱門新聞. 即時. 國防秘辛》漢光演習危機四伏 盤點那些驚險瞬間與不幸. 中國芭樂票重創蝦農不想讓台灣知道? 宏國媒體疑封鎖台灣. 台大醫學系在學生重考仍錄取 差0.05分「落榜頭」怒槓台大敗訴確定. 23年來首度連兩年加薪! 政院最快7/25拍板軍公教調薪3%或4%. 一窩蜂搶種! 越南貓山王榴槤價格腰斬. 颱風各國路徑一次看! 氣象粉專曝對台影響差異. 可不可總部發3聲明: 闖禍女員工付7位數賠償金. 財星雜誌解釋給川普聽 儘管半導體競爭激烈、台積電地位無可取代. 英特爾CPU崩潰雪上加霜 故障率100%蔓延、筆電也傳災情. 國防秘辛》漢光演習危機四伏 盤點那些驚險瞬間與不幸. 中國芭樂票重創蝦農不想讓台灣知道? 宏國媒體疑封鎖台灣.

  7. 美國爆發李斯特菌疫情 已釀2死28人住院. 10:52. 繃緊神經!. 駐日美海軍陸戰隊基地全面加強酒測. 東京煙火大會臨時喊卡觀眾秀現場「天降轟雷 ...

  8. 2023年10月11日 · On Sept. 22, the UN General Assembly wound up its 78th annual General Debate in New York City, again excluding Taiwan. However, most of the nation’s diplomatic allies voiced their support for allowing Taiwan to participate in the UN system.

  9. 3 天前 · 社論誰在用民主反民主」. 七月十五日是解嚴紀念日,賴清德總統當天前往檔案局視察政治檔案公開情形。. 他除敦促檔案開放應更主動,以符合轉型正義。. 總統也希望民眾能透過了解得來不易的民主,「避免歷史重演」;更不希望任何人在民主社會「用 ...

  10. The Liberty Times is a national newspaper published in Taiwan. Founded by Lin Rong-San, it is published by the Liberty Times Group, which also publishes Taipei Times, an English language newspaper. The newspaper was first published on 17 April 1980, as Liberty Daily, before adopting its current name in 1987.

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