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  2. Taption-影音轉文字的最佳選擇!AI自動辨識人聲、標記時間、切割段落,讓你的文字檔更清晰有序! Taption-你的專屬AI助理!幫你把影音檔轉成文字,並提供多種導出格式,讓

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  1. In the 1960s the line wis listed tae be closed unner the Reshaping of British Railways report; houiver it wis reprieved and services continued. In 1970, British Rail wanted tae close the line when Ross and Cromarty council voted tae creaut a new £460,000 (equivalent to £6,400,000 in 2018) [3] ferry terminal at Ullapool (43 mile frae Stornoway) replacing that at Kyle of Lochalsh (71 mile frae ...

  2. › wiki › To_a_MouseTo a Mouse - Wikipedia

    To a Mouse. 'To a Mouse ' (Scots: Tae a Moose) is a Scots poem written bi Robert Burns in 1785 that wis includit in the Kilmarnock Volume, his first settin furth o musradry. Burns wrate the poem efter, as the poem suggests, turnin up the wuinter nest o a moose that wis on his ferm wi his pleuch. John Steinbeck teuk the teetle o his 1937 novelle ...

  3. Yeongdeungpo-gu is an admeenistrative destrict in soothwast Seoul, Sooth Korea. Awtho the oreegin o the name is uncertain, the first twa syllables are thocht tae be frae " yeongdeung " (靈登) or "divine ascent", a shamanic rite. [2] The third syllable is " po ", representin watter (浦), referrin tae the destrict's poseetion on the Han River.

  4. The short form o the veelage's name is Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, spelt Llanfair Pwllgwyngyll an aw. It is commonly kent as Llanfair PG or Llanfairpwll . Accordin tae the 2001 census, the population o the commonty is 3,040, [1] 76% o wham speak Welsh fluently; the heichest percentage o speakers is in the 10–14 age group, whaur 97.1% can speak Welsh.

  5. Whit airts tae here Relatit chynges Uplaid file Byordinar pages Permanent airtin Page information Cite this airticle Get shortened URL Download QR code Wirds an muisic o the sang The Scots sang ' Is There For Honest Poverty ' by Robert Burns is better kent as ' A Man's A Man For A' That ', an is weel kent foir its expressin o egalitarian norries o society, that can be seen as anteecipatin the ...

  6. › wiki › MuisicMuisic - Wikipedia

    The Renaissance Muisic o Europe 1400 til 1600. A group o Renaissance musicianers in The Concert (1623) by Gerard van Honthorst. The wird renaissance is a Frainch wird at means re-birth, an anent muisic it wes an era o splore an discuivery at in taks the years atween 1400 an 1600.

  7. Chemical formula. A chemical formula is a way o expressin information aboot the proportions o atoms that constitute a pairteecular chemical compoond, uisin a single line o chemical element seembols, nummers, an sometimes an aa ither simbuls, such as parentheses, dashes, brackets, an plus (+) an minus (−) signs. Categeries: Chemical formulas.

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