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    KK [ˋlɪrɪk]


    • 1. 抒情的;熱情奔放的 a lyric love poem 一首愛情抒情詩
    • 2. 適於歌唱的,適於演奏的

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 抒情詩;抒情作品[C]
    • 2. 歌詞;抒情詞句[P] Claire wrote the lyrics for the song. 克萊兒為該曲譜寫了歌詞。

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  2. Weheliye focusses more on the means to produce sound, rather than on an analysis of sound in terms of music or lyrics. He hears the song, in other words, in an integrated domain of musical form, vocalism and lyrics, as a double-voiced discourse.

  3. lyrics B2 [ plural ] Add to word list. Add to word list. the words of a song, especially a pop song: Paul Simon wrote the lyrics for most of his songs. 保罗‧西蒙的歌大多都是他自己写的词。. 查看更多. [ C ] a short poem that expresses the personal thoughts and feelings of the person who wrote it.

  4. 英語釋義. write lyrics for (a song) a short poem of songlike quality. expressing deep personal emotion; "the dancer's lyrical performance". the text of a popular song or musical-comedy number; "his compositions always started with the lyrics ".

  5. lyric. KK [ˋlɪrɪk] DJ [ˋlirik] 美式. adj. 抒情的;熱情奔放的;適於歌唱的,適於演奏的. n. 抒情詩;抒情作品 [C];歌詞;抒情詞句 [P] 名詞複數:lyrics.

  6. William Wordsworth wrote lyric poetry/was a lyric poet. 威廉‧華茲華斯創作抒情詩/是一位抒情詩人。 ( lyric 在 剑桥英语-中文(繁体)词典 的翻译 © Cambridge University Press)

  7. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供lyric的中文意思,lyric的用法讲解,lyric的读音,lyric的同义词,lyric的反义词,lyric的例句等英语服务。.

  8. lyric adj 1: expressing deep emotion; "the dancer's lyrical performance" [syn: {lyric}, {lyrical}] 2: used of a singer or singing voice that is light in volume and modest in range; "a lyric soprano" [ant: {dramatic}] 3: relating to or being musical drama; "the lyric 4

  9. 米津玄師 - Lemon (中文翻譯) Lyrics: [米津玄師「Lemon」中文翻譯歌詞] / 要是這是場夢該有多好 / 至今仍會夢見你 / 就像去尋回遺忘的事物一般 / 拭去 ...

  10. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供lyrics的中文意思,lyrics的用法讲解,lyrics的读音,lyrics的同义词,lyrics的反义词,lyrics的例句等英语服务。.

  11. 1. a lyric composition specifically a lyric poem. 2. the words of a song —often used in plural. 3. suitable for singing to the lyre or for being set to music and sung. 4. of, relating to, or being drama set to music especially operatic. lyric stage.

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