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  1. The Mikado pheasant (Syrmaticus mikado) is a species of gamebird in the pheasant family Phasianidae of the order Galliformes, gallinaceous birds. Sometimes considered an unofficial national bird of Taiwan (along with the Swinhoe's pheasant and Taiwan blue .

  2. 黑長尾雉(學名: Syrmaticus mikado ) [4],常稱帝雉,臺灣帝雉、海雉及烏雉是為另稱 [5],臺灣 特有的 長尾雉屬鳥類,分布於臺灣的中、高海拔山區,最高曾見於3850公尺附近,是臺灣的雉科鳥類中棲息於最高海拔者。

  3. A stunning pheasant species endemic to Taiwan, the male a rich slaty blue with white markings and red facial skin, the female rich brown with extensive pale feather edges. Generally retiring, foraging quietly in the undergrowth of montane forests, but occasionally seen in the open, particularly in places where fed.

  4. 黑長尾雉 (Mikado Pheasant),又名帝雉,學名Syrmaticus mikado,種名的 mikado來自於日語中的"帝",也就是天皇之意。 命名者 Ogilvie Grant 因聽聞鳥類收藏家所述,這種鳥是日本天皇所擁有的神祕雉雞,因而得名 (但其實是早已命名的藍腹鷴)。

  5. Mikado Pheasant. Mikado Pheasant官方經營商店Pinkoi 新會員享 APP 運費優惠,最高折 NT$100!. 公司名稱:澄懷二三股份有限公司 統一編號:54814947 我們是以下世界美食及茶葉大賽的獎牌得主: ★ 2022 AVPA 世界茶葉大賽銀牌(法國) ★ 2020 全球純粹風味評鑑二星獎(日本 ...

  6. The Mikado pheasant (Syrmaticus mikado) is a gamebird in the pheasant family Phasianidae of the order Galliformes, gallinaceous birds. Sometimes considered an unofficial national bird of Taiwan (along with the Swinhoe's pheasant and Taiwan blue magpie ), a pair of Mikado pheasants and Yushan National Park, one of the areas it is known to ...

  7. MIKADO PHEASANT 帝鐸. 產品介紹. “ MIKADO 產品的品質與滋味,正如同帝雉一般獨特而珍貴 ” MIKADO 每項產品, 都是精心挑選的成果。 我們嚴選優秀製茶師, 確保其產品來源及安全性, 並經過定期訪查與多重評鑑, 篩選出香氣濃郁、 口感甘醇的高品質臺灣茶葉。 我們與全國各地優秀製茶大師合作推出精選產品, 其中包括歷年茶葉比賽的得獎者, 以及百年歷史的製茶世家。 產品包裝設計高貴有質感, 送禮自用均彰顯您的不凡品味。