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  1. Shop online for Nespresso capsules and machines with free delivery and discounts. Find limited edition flavors, morning packs, tote bags, body sets and more.

  2. Nespresso 台灣提供多款頂級義式咖啡藝術包括 Original 系列與 Vertuo 系列的膠囊咖啡與咖啡機,以及限量款風味咖啡與咖啡配件。訂單達$2,000或購買任100顆膠囊即享免運服務,還有更多優惠活動等您發現。

  3. Nespresso台灣提供多種ORIGINAL系列膠囊咖啡包括經典義式濃縮咖啡世界各大城市風情咖啡咖啡大師特調等適合不同的飲用方式和口味您可以在網站上選購禮賞或探索不同的咖啡組合享受高品質的咖啡體驗

  4. Explore a variety of original coffees from Nespresso, ranging from mild to intense, fruity to floral, and more. Enjoy discounts, limited editions, and travel around the world with coffee origins from different cities.

  5. Find Nespresso stores near you and enjoy coffee tasting, recycling, and personalised services. Nespresso sells coffee, machine, and capsules in various locations across Taiwan.

  6. 全台灣 Nespresso 門市清單提供咖啡膠囊膠囊咖啡機咖啡配件販售咖啡試飲及膠囊回收服務查看鄰近的精品店或專櫃來店享受極致咖啡體驗

  7. Buy capsules. Buy a machine. Pick-up my order. Recycle capsules. Search. Find a place to enjoy Nespresso Service? Click here to find out the store near you!

  8. momo購物網提供多款Nespresso品牌的膠囊咖啡機包括創新美式臻選厚萃Inissia等系列以及不同口味的膠囊咖啡如尼加拉瓜哥倫比亞衣索比亞等您可以在本月主打中找到Nespresso優惠便宜好價格並享受完整規格種類的選擇

  9. Nespresso旗艦館提供Original和Vertuo兩種系列的咖啡機以及各式頂級定量咖啡豆和膠囊咖啡購買Nespresso咖啡機和膠囊咖啡享有會員護照免費客服咖啡專家服務和兩年保固等優惠

  10. Nespresso 蝦皮官方線上商城專賣各式人氣推薦 Nespresso 膠囊咖啡機,買 Nespresso Original、Vertuo 系列咖啡機就上蝦皮 Nespresso 商城享優惠折扣。

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