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  1. 飯店位於深具日系風韻、金融商務與購物娛樂匯聚的南京中山商圈,坐擁商務大廈、國際精品、頂級餐廳的繁華地段. 販售品項包含館內「歐風館自助餐廳」、「桃花林中華料理」、「山里日本料理」三大人氣餐廳的各式精選餐點,折扣最低下殺至69折。. 自 2024/9 ...

  2. Okura Taipei Hotel Within one hour, you can approach SongShan International Airport, Taoyuan International Airport and MRT ZhongShan station (Tamsui-Xinyi Line / Songshan-Xindian Line).

  3. ホテルオークラの経営理念である「ベストA.C.S.(最高の施設・最高の料理・最高のサービス)」. の提供を実践し、台北で最高級と評されるホテルを目指します。. Welcome to The Okura Prestige Taipei. 秉持最好的ACS 極致的住宿、美食與服務體驗. The Best ACS : Best ...

  4. Originated from The Hotel Okura Tokyo which specialized in Cantonese cuisine and other classical Chinese cuisine, it is our goal to introduce the charm of Chinese cuisine to our national guests in every occasion with 50 years of history back to Japan.

  5. Deluxe Hotel in Taipei Zhongshan District, the largest city in Taiwan. The Okura prestige Taipei boasts an elegant and stylish design, with architecture inspired by a classic yet luxurious modern style.

  6. 如何抵達目的地. 我們有幾種方式可以到達,建議您可以透過下列大眾交通工具抵達,歡迎您多加利用查詢. 或是來電,將有專人為您服務。. MRT捷運•桃園機場-搭乘機場捷運到台北車站。. 抵達台北車站後,步行4分鐘到捷運北門站,轉乘松山新店線 (綠線) 到 ...

  7. 一口咬下外皮濃郁奶油酥香,與鳳梨內餡酸甜軟糯結合,化於口中香氣久久不會散去,一口咬下,就是難忘的滋味。. 包裝文青風藝術家手繪風格,與手工鳳梨酥相互搭配,呈現出大倉久和大飯店手工製作呈現的心意,將一份好禮及心意同時送達顧客手中,請您 ...

  8. The Okura Prestige Taipei offers a fine selecting menu by our professional chef team for our valued guests any time when they needed, a lovely private moment in your own room. Prepared by our three fine quality restaurants, In Room Dining also provides fresh and unique food options from breakfast to late night snack.

  9. 探索首都之旅. 飯店位於深具日系風韻、金融商務與購物娛樂匯聚的南京中山商圈,坐擁商務大廈、國際精品、頂級餐廳的繁華地段;中山北路沿途濃蔭蔽天、景觀優美,最能感受台北潮流脈動。. READ MORE. 日本大倉飯店集團 (Hotel Okura Co., Ltd)為當地最大的國際 ...

  10. Originated from The Hotel Okura Tokyo which specialized in Cantonese cuisine and other classical Chinese cuisine, it is our goal to introduce the charm of Chinese cuisine to our national guests in every occasion with 50 years of history back to Japan.

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