2023年9月29日 · Maybe there just won’t be a release for 1.20.2. not every update gets an optifine version and the difference between 1.20.1 and .2 is really not that much that most people will care. Then install fabric with sodium and iris (maybe also indium and continuity if you want connected textures) and you can use shaders today.
If you want it for Realms, you can use Fabric with Iris and Sodium to use shaders. All of the big 1.20 shaders work just fine. Forge 1.20.2 isn't compatible with any of the current Optifine releases, so that's not an option yet. Reply. OldManNovais1971. • 2 mo. ago.
2021年6月27日 · 問題. 如題,我是玩1.16的forge伺服器 裝了OptiFine,但是卻變成進不了遊戲了 (可以開啟遊戲,但是進不了單人世界也進不了伺服器世界) 只要試圖進遊戲,就會直接崩潰關閉 我安裝了下圖這三個模組 因為看OptiForge的網站說,這三個一起裝可以讓OptiFine相容Forge ...
2023年9月27日 · Because the most recent version of optifine available is for 47.1.43 and that's a review version, so no you cannot use optifine and forge for any version of forge after 47.1.43 and even if you do downgrade your forge to accommodate, some 1.20.1 mods are incompatible with it, i found that out trying forge 47.0.35 most good 1.20.1 mods like ...
2019年1月22日 · (此文皆以1.12.2 OptiFine實測) 關於CIT Custom Item Textures(簡稱CIT,自定義項目材質),他使我們在製作Minecraft OptiFine材質包時,可以透過損壞值(damage)、物品的堆疊數量和NBT資料,來自定義物品的外觀。
Help. Hi, sorry if this is an already touched-on subject, but I'm looking to use optifine as a mod on curseforge thru optifabric. However, I cant find any optifine versions for 1.20.2. There's a preview, but that repeatedly asks me to run the MC version (which I've done) before it can install, or there's the version from OptKai, which requires ...
2021年6月10日 · 本文要介紹的模組是跨世代的光影模組 Iris,它兼具效能及美觀,快來看看吧! Iris 簡介 iris是一個全新的光影引擎,它可以在 Fabirc 平台實現相容 OptiFine 光影,以及它能與Fabric 許多效能模組 Sodium 同時使用,既能有效能又能擁有美觀。 2022/1/19 更新 iris 1.2.0 版本已支援光影設定選項 效能比較 使用前 ...
2023年10月24日 · As you know, Optifine 1.20.2 is not yet available. I would use Sodium and Iris like most people, but the server in question has resource packs that use Optifine pack features like custom entity models and emissive textures. These features are core to the server, and it's darn near unplayable without them.
2023年7月24日 · 最近剛回來玩, 安裝optifine後再安裝forge想要玩模組, 但儘管只裝了JPI跟地圖模組還是會跳錯誤代碼跳出遊戲, 我根據代碼找了網上的文章也是說不知為何把optifine移除就可以解決了, 想請問現在1.20.1 optifine跟forge無法共存是嘛? 謝謝
2017年2月11日 · 2017-02-11 20:08:07 編輯 作者標示-非商業性 本授權條款允許使用者重製、散布、傳輸以及修改著作,但不得為商業目的之使用。