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  2. 普布利烏斯·維狄烏斯·納索 (拉丁語: Pūblius Ovidius Nāsō,前43年3月20日—17年/18年),在英文世界中通稱其爲 奧維德 (英語: Ovid),是 奧古斯都 時代的 古罗马 诗人,与 贺拉斯 、 卡图卢斯 和 维吉尔 齐名,一般認為奧維德、 贺拉斯 和 维吉尔 ...

  3. Ovid is a search, discovery, and management solution for science, medicine, and healthcare professionals. It offers industry-leading search technology, citation management, alerts, multimedia, projects, and add-on tools, as well as Ovid Open Access and PayPerView services.

  4. 奧維德是奧古斯都時代的經典詩人之一,以《變形記》等作品聞名,但因不明原因被流放到黑海地區。本文詳細介紹他的出生、婚姻、詩歌風格、流放原因和影響等方面的資訊。

  5. › zh-tw › solutionsOvid® - Wolters Kluwer

    Unlock the unknown with Ovid®. Ovid, the world’s most trusted medical research platform, has been a vital part of healthcare for over 20 years. Ovid’s flagship platform is the leading choice globally among clinicians, researchers, educators and students in the medical, scientific and academic fields.

  6. › wiki › OvidOvid - Wikipedia

    Ovid was a prolific and influential poet of the Augustan age, known for his elegies, epics and mythological narratives. He was banished by the emperor Augustus to Tomis on the Black Sea, where he spent the last years of his life.

  7. 2024年9月30日 · Ovid was a prolific and influential poet of the Augustan age, known for his love poems, mythological tales, and technical skill. He was banished to Tomis by the emperor Augustus for an unknown reason and died there in 17 ce.

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