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  1. 2015年7月20日 · PS2 BIOS 如果您有 BIOS 映像並且將其放在選擇的 bios 資料夾中,模擬器就會偵測到您的 BIOS 映像。獲取 bios 的唯一合法方式就是從您的 PS2 擷取。不要 在 PCSX2 官方討論區詢問從哪裡獲取 bios,這違反討論區的規定。

  2. 2023年2月11日 · You can navigate by clicking on the various tabs for each company. When you click on the link to Github the first link you land on will be the Home tab, this tab explains how to use the Megathread. There are Five tabs that link directly to collections based on console and publisher, these include Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, Sega, and the PC.

  3. The PS2 Bios on the top (the mediafire link) is linked to malware. If you care enough to do a Virustotal scan, you may end up seeing that it's filled with malware. To deal with this malware, take out the hard drive (or SSD) and just buy a new one.

  4. 2010年10月19日 · This is the BIN version of the BIOS Dumper (all files provided separately). In addition, v1 of the tool is included (dumpbios-mass.elf) in case you are having trouble with the new version. This is a tool for dumping information from Playstation2, including bios, dvdplayer rom, non-volatile memory, etc. This is the BIN version of the BIOS Dumper ...

  5. 2023年5月23日 · Close those windows. Open Emudeck. Select "More Info" on the Bios Checker. Select Check Again. The Bios files checker will state “PlayStation 2 bios detected!”. Step 3: Download Roms to your Steam Deck. Do a google search on your steam deck, there are tons of links about what websites to get Roms from.

  6. 2010年11月3日 · 獲取 bios 的唯一合法方式就是從你的 PS2 擷取。不要 在 PCSX2 官方論壇詢問從哪裡獲取 bios,這違反論壇的規定。因為 Sony 擁有 ps2 BIOS 的著作權,使得分發 bios 是違法的,意味著如果被發現非法地將 bios 提供給民眾,PCSX2 開發團隊就可能陷入麻煩。

  7. 2023年3月9日 · dont use the aethersx2 that comes with rp3+. go to their website on the archive section look for android foldrer then download the top one then side load it to rp3+. it is more stable most of the games run 60fps in 1.5x or 2 resolution. Check the RP3+ community compatibility spreadsheet.

  8. 2023年1月25日 · PCSX2 requires a BIOS to work, the BIOS can be provided as a single 4MB .bin file or with additional files (usually .erom, .nvm, .rom1 and .rom2)." ¹ a list of some common names used in rom archivers apps: # don't use any of these! scph10000.bin. ps2-0100j-20000117.bin. ps2-0101j-20000217.bin.

  9. 2024年2月5日 · Okay, so I want to download this PS2 emulator. However, as soon as I get to the moment where I'm asked to select my BIOS, the list shows up empty. Now I asked a fellow from another subreddit about how to do this. He linked me to this site called Myrient.

  10. 2011年12月12日 · PS2 Bios」「ROM1」「ROM2」「EROM」「NVM」がダンプできる最新のBIOSダンパーが使えますので ここ で入手して下さい。 メモ:互換性をフルに得る為には一番古い「SCPH10000.BIN」以外のBIOSイメージを使う事をお勧めします。

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