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  1. 4 天前 · 25 顆米其林星級主廚首度來台,於 台北 W 飯店 全新打造「 Seasons by olivier e. 」,全菜單包含單點、無菜單套餐兩種形式,單點菜色 158 元起及主廚精選無菜單料理每位 1,988 元起,午間另有套餐每位 1,288 元起;希望以平易近人的價錢,讓大家都能體驗到法餐的 ...

  2. 由知名米其林星級主廚Olivier Elzer領軍,藉由在地時令食材,展現法餐烹飪精髓,以平易近人的價位,打破大眾對法式料理的刻板印象!. 以「四季」為名的Seasons by olivier e.,旨在採用當季新鮮食材,創造令人難以抗拒的料理;隨季節變換更新菜單,每逢歡慶佳節 ...

  3. 2023年9月21日 · 現代法式餐廳「Seasons by olivier e.」知名米其林星級主廚奧利維耶·埃爾澤(Olivier Elzer)領軍,閃亮進駐台北W飯店,即日起正式開幕!

  4. 2023年9月25日 · Seasons by olivier e.首季菜單亮點 以「四季」為名的Seasons by olivier e. ,料理宗旨就是採用當季新鮮食材,創造令人難以抗拒的料理,未來計劃以春夏、秋冬兩季為頻率更換菜單,此外在特定節日也會推出限定套餐。

  5. 2023年9月15日 · 為強化餐飲競力並洞察台北都會餐飲市場生態正在改變,全台第一家「國際潮牌」飯店台北W飯店,將館內原〈the Kitche Table〉全日餐廳「砍掉重練」,並攜手法國米其林星廚奧利維耶·埃爾澤( Olivier Elzer)合作,將名廚旗下〈Seasons by olivier e.〉法式休閒 ...

  6. Seasons Hotel Classic. Star Rating : 326 Nanjing West Road Taipei 103. All Hotels In Taiwan. Check Rate. Hotel Overview. Overview - Seasons Hotel Classic. Grand-opened in April 2006, neoclassical aesthetics tinted with elegance and simplicity. From here, you can see the youthful heart of Taipei's Dadaocheng Nostalgia intertwined with modernity.

  7. 326 Nanjing West Road Taipei 103. Check Rate. Seasons Hotel Classic - Overview. Grand-opened in April 2006, neoclassical aesthetics tinted with elegance and simplicity. From here, you can see the youthful heart of Taipei's Dadaocheng Nostalgia intertwined with modernity. All are condensed into one night at the Taiwan Seasons.

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