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  1. 新光人壽醫起元氣醫療終身健康保險. 住院、手術加處置,終身全方位守護. 更多商品. 意外保障. 新光人壽術術順心傷害保險. 意外傷害主約可直接投保. 更多商品. 年金保險. 新光人壽新享年年利率變動型年金保險【乙型】 終身收入保障,活得越久,領得越多. 更多商品. 投資型保險. 新光人壽新大贏家變額萬能壽險. 加值給付. 更多商品. 保戶服務. 生存給付. 線上查詢給付資訊,掌握給付進度,享受收益的樂趣! 保單理賠. 關心您的理賠需求,線上申請,全程跟蹤進度,服務超貼心! 保單借款. 多元借款管道服務,快捷的線上申請借款,直接到帳,資金運用更靈活! 繳費服務. 提供您多元的繳費服務與優惠管道,使您繳交保費更便利! 保單變更.

    • 客戶服務

      保戶服務 繳費服務 保單理賠 生存給付 保單變更 保單借款 ...

    • 商品服務

      LIFE Lab. 人生設計所 保單鑑定師 金融友善服務專區 新光 ...

    • 保戶服務

      保戶服務 繳費服務 保單理賠 生存給付 保單變更 保單借款 ...

    • 繳費管道

      一、保戶權益提醒通知 為維護您的權益,請定期檢視保單相關 ...

    • 業務菁英招募

      900萬件人脈分享 新光近60年來累積近900萬件有效契約,客戶 ...

    • LIFE Lab.人生設計所

      關於人生設計所 過去, 你專注於設計自己的穿搭, 展現你獨 ...

    • 保單鑑定師

      為提供最佳個人化即時的服務,本網站使用cookies技術集您的 ...

    • 金融友善服務專區

      強化公平待客為新光人壽既定之數位發展策略,金融友善專區 ...

  2. 新光人壽系統維護時間 (會員專區及新光人壽APP、LINE官方帳號、網路投保維護):09/27 (五) 17:30 ~ 19:00. 2024/09/26. 【新壽大使系統維護公告】預計113/09/27 17:30 進行以下系統維護作業 (資料庫CU作業) 2024/09/25. 【系統維護】09/26 (四) 17:30 ~ 19:00「eDDA身分驗證」及 ...

    • Profile
    • Products and Services
    • Awards and Honors
    • Strengths
    • Future Prospects

    Shin Kong Life Insurance Co., Ltd. (SKL) was established on July 30, 1963. The company is guided by a corporate commitment to "benefiting humanity", the principles of "innovation, service, integrity and giving back to society", and a mission to make insurance coverage available to all. The company also has fostered a company culture emphasizing inn...

    We provide a variety of value-oriented life insurance products and services, meeting clients’ different insurance needs and career planning goals. Traditional life insurance, interest-sensitive policies, investment-linked policies, individual accident insurance, and individual health insurance and group insurance.

    Awarded 1st place in the “Best Popular Brand”, and awards “Outstanding Enterprise”, “Best Product”, “Best Popular Brand” at the 17th National Brand Yushan Award
    Awarded “Best Business Growth Award and the Best Social Service Award” at Taiwan Financial Star
    Awarded “Annual Innovative Design Award and the Excellent Customer Satisfaction Award” at the 16th Golden Torch Award
    Awarded “Outstanding Performance Award” (2020 Annual Micro Insurance Competition held by the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC))
    Shin Kong Life Insurance had more than 15,000 employees and more than 7.5 million valid contracts as of the end of 2020.
    Total assets exceeds NT$3.3 trillion.
    Working under the strategy of parent company SKFH, SKL has promoted cross sellingservices, actively partnered with businesses from other industries, and has signed contracts with over 50 banks.
    We provide banking insurance services as well as fast and convenient online support via the fully automated ‘New Core System’.
    Active expansion into the China insurance market, as well as further surveying opportunities in Asia and around the world.
    We continue to strive to refocus on the fundamentals of life insurance management. In addition, we aim to further enhance profit stability and become a highly trusted leading brand in the business...
  3. Shin Kong Life Insurance Shin Kong Financial Holdings Shin Kong Life Shin Kong Bank MasterLink Securities Shin Kong Investment Trust Shin Kong PIA Shin Kong VC Address: No. 66, Sec. 1, Zhongxiao W. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City Tel: 為提供您 ...

  4. 小額終老保險 | 新光人壽. 針對青壯年、家庭支柱、銀髮族群推出的保險,其門檻低、保費低的特色,讓人人都能享有基礎的保障。 什麼是「小額終老保險」? 為因應我國人口老化與少子化趨勢,金管會自2016年起推動小額終老保險,其相較於一般終身壽險有幾項特色:「保障內容淺顯易懂、投保門檻友善(最高至84歲還可投保)、保費低廉」,讓全體民眾,包括中高齡族群、三明治族,或是剛入社會預算有限的年輕人,都能享有基礎的保障。 小額終老保險一般包含終身壽險 (每人累計保額上限自112年5月1日起由70萬元提高至90萬元,有效契約件數由3件放寬為4件),可提供被保險人身故或完全失能時之保障,保障期間為終身,並可附加1年期傷害保險附約 (每人累計保額上限10萬元),增加因意外傷害事故所致死亡或失能之保障。

  5. › longtermcareinsurance長照險 - 新光人壽

    長期照顧險,簡稱為長照險,因疾病或意外發生時致身體功能缺損,或衰老而無法自理,以機能喪失達到需要「長期照顧狀態」時,即啟動理賠;其按月給付、長照狀態豁免保費等特色,可減輕家人的負擔。. 不論是哪個年齡層的人都可能因失能而需要被長期 ...

  6. 請輸入要保人身分證字號. 下一步:發送OTP動態密碼. 新光人壽保險股份有限公司版權所有. © Shin Kong Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

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