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  1. 永豐金證券 SinoPac Securities. 一站式投資全球,證券交易的領航者. 台股、美股、港股、陸股及日股全球交易零時差. 0+ 萬. 用戶數. 0+ 億. 每月交易額. 0 種. 理財商品. 立即開戶. 多元理財,全方位精準投資. 針對各類用戶,提供多元化的理財商品. 豐存股. 台股、美股線上輕鬆存股. 申購專區. 申購零門檻,備足資金抽起來. 申購便利通. 超便利申購,用小資金放大機會. Python API. 程式交易就是要簡單快速. 自然人借券. 出借庫存股票,低風險、生好息. 不限用途借貸. 隨時借隨時還,撥款超快速. 了解更多理財商品. 首選交易工具 大戶投APP. 投資超捷徑,理財PRO 簡單!

  2. 2024-07-05. 永豐金證券2024年6月份自結損益. 2024-06-24. 永豐金控勇奪第18屆金炬獎五大榮耀,證券、期貨獲選年度十大企業,銀行優良顧客滿意度勝出. 更多. 為了優化網站服務,本網站使用「Cookies」來改善使用者體驗。 當您繼續使用本網站即表示您同意Cookies政策與隱私權政策。 繼續使用. 更多資訊. 金控集團.

  3. 最新消息. 隨時掌握我們的最新消息,體驗更佳的客戶服務. 安全管理你的資產. 交易全程加密,讓你的交易安全無虞. 永豐金交易寶. 智能交易平台. 盡享投資樂趣. 立即下載. 永豐金交易寶開戶程序. 完成簡易程序,極速開戶. SP Trader 期貨交易平台. 一站式買賣期貨交易平台. 立即下載.

  4. SinoPac Securities (the Company), established in 1988 and the first among its peers to list on Taiwan’s TPEx market, is a fully-owned subsidiary of SinoPac Financial Holdings Company Limited (SinoPac FHC).

  5. About SinoPac Securities Company Profile Organization Structure Board of Directors Significant Events & Honors Significant Events Our Honors Office Locations Subsidiaries Subsidiaries and Affiliated Companies SinoPac Futures SinoPac Inv.Service

  6. › en › aboutSinoPac Securities

    SinoPac Securities’s service scope spans broking, proprietary trading, underwriting, international business, fixed income, new financial products, etc. The Company is a major integrated securities firm in Taiwan with a paid-in capital of NT$16.212 billion and 44 service locations, and the Company’s business rankings are among the leading ...

  7. SinoPac Securities (Asia) was established in 1994, approved by the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission to engage in securities trading (License No.1), futures contract trading (License No.2), providing advice on securities (License No.4), providing

  8. SinoPac Securities was established in 1988 and became the first over-the-counter securities firm in Taiwan. It is currently a wholly-owned securities subsidiary of SinoPac Financial Holdings Company, Ltd. (stock code: 2890), referred to as SinoPac Financial Group.

  9. <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.f17eaa48af2afd43.css">

  10. 永豐金證券數位服務,透過最佳體驗的產品設計與最專業的內容經營,在不同階段的理財旅程服務投資者更聰明便捷的體驗。.

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