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    KK [skɪt]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 諷刺文
    • 2. 小喜劇

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  3. 來自. Wikipedia. And with intense competition from cinema and television, the emphasis is now on fragmentary skits presented as self-contained units without the need to be placed within stories. 來自 Cambridge English Corpus.

  4. SKIT的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. a short, funny play that makes a joke of something: 2. a short, funny play that makes a joke of…。 了解更多。 詞典

  5. skit. The television special was a series of skits spoofing the portrayal of private investigators on television and in films. All the characters were skits on characters at court. The play was very popular—in fact it is popular today—and he did not realise that it was a skit on himself.

  6. 使用者代號限6至20碼,且英文字母 (有分大小寫)及數字之組合,以提高帳戶登入安全. 使用者代號/密碼合計錯誤 3 次以上須重新進行使用者代號/密碼申請與補發手續,請小心輸入! 提醒您,請勿使用IE瀏覽器之「自動完成」功能自動記憶您的帳號及密碼,以確保 ...

  7. DJ [skit] 美式. n. 諷刺文;小喜劇. 釋義. n. 名詞. 1. 諷刺文.

  8. Skit是您的最簡單、最直接的應用程式管理器! Skit為您創造許多可能性,您可以將任何應用程式解除安裝、抽取出來、輕鬆查看程式內的組件...還可以做得更多!

  9. skit中文的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 諷刺文;滑稽短劇。英漢詞典提供【skit】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等

  10. skit [skIt; skit] 《可數名詞》 ⑴ 幽默諷刺短劇 ⑵ (短篇的) 諷刺文,笑罵文章 skit 《不及物動詞》 (skitted,skitting,skits) ‘蘇’疾行; 跳躍 來源(3): 懶蟲英漢詞典 [lazyworm-ec]

  11. 比較北方方言 skite “跳躍前進”(見 skit)。“害羞,容易受驚,緊張,易於奔跑”的意義始於1500年左右,用於形容馬。 “易變的,善變的,不穩定的”意義始於1600年左右; “傾向於靦腆或保留”的意義始於1640年代。相關詞彙: Skittishly; skittishness。

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