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    KK [swɛr]

    vi. 不及物動詞

    • 1. 發誓;宣誓 They refused to swear on a Bible. 他們拒絕手按《聖經》發誓。
    • 2. 詛咒;罵髒話[(+at)] What is the woman swearing at? 那女人在咒罵什麼?

    vt. 及物動詞

    • 1. 發(誓);宣(誓) Before giving evidence you have to swear an oath. 在作證之前你得先發誓。
    • 2. 發誓要;起誓保證[+to-v][+(that)] The witness swore to tell the truth. 證人起誓保證講真話。

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    深耕台灣的知名內衣品牌SWEAR思薇爾38週年, 以做為「全女性守護者」 為 品 牌使命, 每季皆引進法式質感, 全心打造專屬亞洲女性的內在品味。 分為「璀璨」、「經典」、「時尚」及「少女」四系列, 透過年齡層及商品風 格, 展現分眾女性的自我風格

  3. to use words that are rude or offensive as a way of emphasizing what you mean or as a way of insulting someone or something. 詛咒,咒罵. It was a real shock, the first time I heard my mother swear. 我第一次聽見母親罵臟話時,覺得非常震驚。.

  4. to use words that are rude or offensive as a way of emphasizing what you mean or as a way of insulting someone or something. 诅咒,咒骂. It was a real shock, the first time I heard my mother swear. 我第一次听见母亲骂脏话时觉得非常震惊。.

  5. to use words that are rude or offensive as a way of emphasizing what you mean or as a way of insulting someone or something: It was a real shock, the first time I heard my mother swear. When the cab driver started to swear at him, he walked away. 减少例句. Please don't swear in front of the children.

  6. NT$380. 【思薇爾】芭特Fly系列M-XXL素面中腰三角女內褲 (冰島藍) NT$342. NT$380. 【思薇爾】輕沁舒系列B-E罩軟鋼圈涼感蕾絲包覆女內衣 (粉霧藍) NT$1,602. NT$1,780. 【思薇爾】輕沁舒系列B-E罩軟鋼圈涼感蕾絲包覆女內衣 (靜謐膚) NT$1,602.

  7. 1. 發(誓);宣(誓) Before giving evidence you have to swear an oath. 在作證之前你得先發誓。. 2. 發誓要;起誓保證 [+to-v] [+(that)] The witness swore to tell the truth. 證人起誓保證講真話。. 3. 【口】斷言;保證說 [W] [Y] [+(that)] He swore...

  8. 爱词霸权威在线词典,为您提供 Swear的中文意思, Swear的用法讲解, Swear的读音, Swear的同义词, Swear的反义词, Swear的例句等英语服务。.

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