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  1. 3 天前 · 新冠疫情期間確診者「解除隔離」 (released from hospital isolation),「出院後又復陽」 (tested positive again after being discharged) 的案例頻傳,國內也出現首例三次採檢陰性出院後,又因胸口不適採檢復陽個案。. 後來中央流行疫情指揮中心表示,因應國際間「復陽 ...

  2. 2022年4月17日 · Taiwan aims for zero serious COVID cases as infections edge up. (隨著感染人數升溫,台灣的目標是「重症清零」。. edge表示「徐徐地移動」,因此edge up代表「逐漸上升」的意思。. 這個動詞可以用於描述「處理圖表上數字和情勢走向」的情況,也是多益測驗金融財務 ...

  3. www.taipeitimes.comTaipei Times

    Sept. 30 to Oct. 6Chang Hsing-hsien (張星賢) had reached a breaking point after a lifetime of discrimination under Japanese rule. The talented track athlete had just been turned down for Team Japan to compete at the 1930 Far Eastern Championship Games despite a stellar performance at the tryouts. Inste.

  4. 2022年4月5日 · Photo: Eddy Chang, Taipei Times 照片:台北時報張聖恩. B: Also, starting from April, the Taipei Time’s “Bilingual Times” section will be providing a series of new English language learning units. A: 看英文報紙?. 可是英語新聞好難我都看不懂。. B: 那你可以從中英對照的「雙語版」開始啊 ...

  5. Taiwan is entering a new technological “golden age,” American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Director Raymond Greene said in an interview on Thursday, reflecting on the challenges and opportunities Taiwan faces.Greene in July replaced Sandra Oudkirk as head of the AIT, which functions as Washington’s de.

  6. 2022年9月11日 · 動詞intensify 有「強化」之意,是字尾「-ify」動詞字尾變化。 另外intensity 則是「-ity」名詞字尾變化,有「強烈、劇烈」的意思。 He suddenly felt an intense pain in his back. (他突然覺得背部一陣劇痛。 Fighting around the capital has intensified in the last few hours.

  7. 2023年12月28日 · 小清:我也想去,但是我聽說那天會人山人海。. Xiǎoqīng: Wǒ yě xiǎng qù, dànshì wǒ tīngshuō nèitiān huì rénshānrénhǎi. 小華:是啊,所以我們要早點去佔位置,聽說象山是看煙火的最佳地方。. Xiǎohuá: Shì a, suǒyǐ wǒmen yào zǎodiǎn qù zhàn wèizhì, tīngshuō ...

  8. Man who spent 46 years on death row cleared of murders. 2024-09-27. A Japanese man who spent almost half a century on death row has been found not guilty of multiple murders, in a closely watched trial that has raised questions about Japan’s use of the death penalty.Iwao Hakamada, 88, was sentenced to hang in 1968 after being found guilty of ...

  9. 2022年11月21日 · Dutch chipmaking equipment supplier ASML Holding NV is planning to offer NT$1.6 million (US$51,331) or more in starting annual pay to engineers with a master’s degree at its sites in Taiwan.

  10. 2023年9月26日 · UAW strikes target Detroit Three automakers 美國汽車業大罷工 劍指底特律三巨頭. The United Auto Workers (UAW) union on Sept. 15 launched strikes at three US auto plants after failing to reach an agreement over new contracts, the first-ever simultaneous labor action against the Detroit Three automakers.

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