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  1. 2015年4月20日 · "Take myself as an example, I threw a punch on the wall in response to his ignorance." "Take Applebee's for example. the waiters and waitresses there have no cultural awareness." "Consider your roommate for example – Her manner is definitely one of a kind."

  2. 2022年2月23日 · 空格处应填Take,通常不会用 Taking 或 To take。. 即:. Take myself as an example, I changed my major when I became a postgraduate. 这样用的 Take myself as an example 为插入语,类似于 Believe it or not 之类用法(英语不说:Believing it or not 或 To believe it or not)。. 你可能认为这里填 ...

  3. take as an example. from inspiring English sources. "take as an example" is a perfectly correct and usable phrase in written English. It is often used when citing an example to illustrate a point or concept. For example, you might say "To illustrate this point, take as an example the process of making ricotta cheese.".

  4. 表達「舉例」的3個英文片語 - 空中美語部落格. 說到「舉例」的英文,大家最熟知的可能是「for example」,今天再多多分享幾個常見的舉例片語和詞彙,給大家比較比較用法: ① such as + N (P) 像是、比如說. 常置於句中,可與 like 相互替換。 用 such as 列舉一連串的例子時,such as 前方習慣加上一個逗號;但若只有一個例子,則前方不需要加上逗號。 There are many ways to help Earth, such as reusing items and planting trees. 有很多方式可以幫助地球,比如重複使用物品以及種植樹木。

  5. Take men's shirts as an example. (以男式衬衫为例。) 因为宾语比较短,所以使用常规语序。但是,如果宾语是一个长句,插在句子中间,take离as太远,读到前面也很难快速看出这是一个固定搭配,显得头太重。因此,英语的使用习惯就是将太长太复杂的成分

  6. 2019年12月27日 · Take sth as an example. 這邊的 take 沒有主詞,是祈使句,雖然很怪,但就是個習慣的用法。 注意後面的冒號,英文用法要接大寫開頭的一句話!

  7. 可以看成(Let me) take myself as an example, 理解正確。 再來分享我查詢資料的結果: 1. -self的用法 根據字典,-self的定義是”used when the speaker is also the person affected by an action”, 例如,I wrote a message to myself. 所以可以說Let me take

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