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    KK [truθ]

    n. 名詞

    • 1. 實話;事實;實情[the S] Neither witness told the truth. 兩個見證人都沒有講實話。
    • 2. 真實性,實質[U] I don't believe the truth of that story. 我不相信那個故事是真的。

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  2. the quality of being true. 真實性. There would seem to be some truth in what she says. 她說的話似乎有些真實的成分。. There is no truth in the reports of his resignation. 有關他辭職的那些報道毫不可信。. You cannot question the truth of his alibi. 你無法懷疑他不在現場的證明。. And yet what he says ...

  3. the quality of being true. 真实性. There would seem to be some truth in what she says. 她说的话似乎有些真实的成分。. There is no truth in the reports of his resignation. 有关他辞职的那些报道毫不可信。. You cannot question the truth of his alibi. 你无法怀疑他不在现场的证明。. And yet what he says ...

  4. 那些谣言有什么事实依据吗?. 柯林斯高阶英语词典. It is an almost universal truth that the more we are promoted in a job, the less we actually exercise the skills we initially used to perform it. 这几乎是一条普遍的真理:我们在某一工作中越往上晋升,实际运用那些当初在工作中经常实践的 ...

  5. the quality of being true. 真实性. There would seem to be some truth in what she says. 她说的话似乎有些真实的成分。. There is no truth in the reports of his resignation. 有关他辞职的那些报道毫不可信。. You cannot question the truth of his alibi. 你无法怀疑他不在现场的证明。. And yet what he says ...

  6. truth n 1: a fact that has been verified; "at last he knew the truth"; "the truth is that he didn't want to do it" 2: conformity to reality or actuality; "they debated the truth of the proposition"; "the situation brought home to us the blunt truth of the military "; "

  7. truth. /truːθ/. 名詞. "truth" 例句. She decided to tell her husband the truth. She's angry because he didn't tell her the truth. It's important to tell the truth. "truth" 相關課程教材. tell the truth → "You should tell the truth!"

  8. 名词. 1. the quality of being true, genuine, actual, or factual. the truth of his statement was attested. 2. something that is true as opposed to false. you did not tell me the truth. 3. a proven or verified principle or statement; fact.

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