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  1. 陳念琴賽後英文受訪流暢. 今年的巴黎奧運,台灣健兒不但在奧運競技場上力拚獎牌,私下訓練時也很努力提升個人的英語能力。. 甫於巴黎奧運女子拳擊66公斤級項目,為台灣奪下一面銅牌的陳念琴,於賽後以流利的英語接受國際媒體專訪,獲得外媒的高度讚揚 ...

  2. 2023-06-15. 網路學園106學年度以前(含106學年度)課程資料刪除公告-第一次公告 ......... more. 「遵守智慧財產權觀念、不非法影印」 Please comply with intellectual property regulations and do not make copies illegally. 請學生務必使用正版教科書 Please respect copyright and use original text ...

  3. 請於下方欄位輸入[隨機圖文]

  4. Since its establishment, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages has always aimed at developing an education program that fosters both professionalism and foreign languages, with professional foreign language skills and possessing an international perspective being the core abilities behind the education of globalized personnel.

  5. 2020 Wenzao Cup National English Contests for High School Students. The Talk by Youtuber Blaire. Congratulations to Dr. Simon White on promotion to Professor. 2019 Wenzao Cup National Contests for High School Students. Introduction to dual-degree programs for students of Department of English. The 50th Graduation Play of English Department.

  6. 【Press release provided by the Office of Reaserch and Development】As the only university of foreign languages in Taiwan, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages has developed and launched the first-ever Teaching Through English Certificate Program in

  7. Study at Wenzao Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages Introduction (80793) 高雄市三民區民族一路900號 TEL:+886-7-342-6031 FAX:+886-7-310-0743

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