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  1. 香港 Hong kong Kamusta! 菲律宾 Philippines Halo! 印度尼西亞 Indonesia 你好! 新加坡 Singapore Hello! 馬來西亞 ... WOORI BANK WOORI FUND SERVICES WOORI FINANCE RESEARCH INSTITUTE WOORI CARD WOORI FIS WOORI CREDIT 닫기 ...

  2. › hk › ibGlobal Woori Bank

    Woori challenges itself to create a better life, we at Woori Bank will continue to grow with our customers. 지점안내 우리은행 홍콩지점 (WOORI BANK HONG KONG BRANCH, Incorporated in Republic of Korea with limited liability)

  3. › hk › hsGlobal Woori Bank

    우리은행 홍콩지점 (WOORI BANK HONG KONG BRANCH, Incorporated in Republic of Korea with limited liability) 주소. Suite 1401, Two Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong. 전화번호. 852-2521-8016. 팩스번호.

  4. › woori-bank › hong-kong-branchWoori Bank - Hong Kong Branch

    Get details of Hong Kong Branch of Woori Bank . Hong Kong Branch has clearing code 118 and branch code 693. The address of Hong Kong Branch is Suite 1401, Two Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong.

  5. eng.wooribank.comWoori Bank

    COPYRIGHTS WOORI BANK. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Dpot061 -- Select Country -- Global WooriBank Bahrain Bangladesh China Hong Kong Indonesia Japan Singapore U.S.A United Kingdom Vietnam India North Korea Russia South Korea Australia Brazil Cambodia Malaysia Myanmar United Arab Emirates WOORI GROUP Family Site WOORI FINANCE INFORMATION SYSTEM WOORI CREDIT INFORMATION WOORI FUND SERVICES Sitemap

  6. › hk › hsGlobal Woori Bank

    Global Woori Bank. > Woori in Hong Kong > 홍콩우리투자은행 > 법인장안내. 지점장안내. Print. 고객 여러분 안녕하십니까? 우리은행 홍콩지점 을 담당하고 있는 지점장 이태훈입니다. 저희 지점은 1980년 개점 이후 홍콩 및 광동성 지역의 한국기업 지상사 및 상사주재원, 한국교민들 뿐만 아니라 한국과 무역거래를 하고 있는 현지 기업에 금융서비스를 제공해 오고 있는 우리은행의 대표적 해외지점입니다.

  7. Find the BIC / SWIFT code for WOORI BANK, HONG KONG in Hong Kong here. Check your bank’s SWIFT code and get all details you need for international money transfer.

  8. 3 天前 · Woori Bank are maintaining 29 foreign customer branches to serve our foreign customers with various exclusive services. You can come and enjoy our Foreign Customer Branches where our staffs are standing by to fulfill your financial needs.

  9. List of banks in Hong Kong. Hong Kong maintains a three-tier system of deposit-taking institutions, i.e. licensed banks, restricted licence banks and deposit-taking companies. They are collectively known as “authorized institutions” supervised by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA). [1]

  10. WOORI BANK. (友 利 銀 行) Basic Information. Status. Licensed Bank. Address of the principal place of business in Hong Kong. SUITE 1401, TWO PACIFIC PLACE, 88 QUEENSWAY, HONG KONG. Address of the principal place of business outside Hong Kong (only for those incorporated outside Hong Kong) 1-203, HOEHYON DONG, CHUNG-GU, SEOUL, KOREA.